5.1 Considerations when configuring and deploying LiveCycle

5.1.1 General Considerations

  • For IPv6, run IPv6 LiveCycle Configuration Manager. For detailed information, see LiveCycle IPv6 support section in prepare to install guide.

  • You can override the default font for the Configuration Manager by adding the following JVM argument in [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\ConfigurationManager.bat (Windows) or [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\ConfigurationManager.sh (Linux, UNIX):

    -Dlcm.font.override=<FONT_FAMILY _NAME>

    For example:


    Restart the Configuration Manager after adding the JVM argument.

  • During configuration, if you must reset the data in Configuration Manager by using the Reset to Default option, ensure that you relaunch the Configuration Manager. Otherwise, you may encounter some missing configuration screens.

  • During configuration, you must provide the location of the JDBC drivers for your database. The Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2 drivers are in the [LiveCycle root]/lib/db/[database] directory.

  • Temporary directory: Do not specify a shared network directory as your temporary directory on cluster configurations. It is recommended to use local directory as a temporary directory. The temporary directory should exist on every node of the cluster and the path of the temporary directory should be same for every node of the cluster.

  • Global Document Storage (GDS) directory: Specify the GDS directory that meets the requirements outlined in the Preparing to Install (Single Server or Server Cluster). For latest documentation, see http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_lc_documentation_11.

  • On cluster environments, several steps need to be performed manually in addition to the automatic configuration that Configuration Manager performs.

5.1.2 CLI versus GUI versions of Configuration Manager

This section describes the GUI version of Configuration Manager. For instructions about using the command line interface (CLI) version of Configuration Manager, see 12 Appendix - Configuration Manager Command Line Interface.

LiveCycle configuration task

Configuration Manager GUI

Configuration Manager CLI


Configure LiveCycle




Configure application server

Only WebLogic and WebSphere application servers can be configured using Configuration Manager.




Validate application server configuration

Only WebLogic and WebSphere application server configurations can be validated using Configuration Manager.




Deploy LiveCycle EARs

LiveCycle EARs can be deployed only on WebLogic and WebSphere application servers using Configuration Manager.




Initialize LiveCycle database




Validate LiveCycle Server connection




Deploy LiveCycle components




Validate LiveCycle component deployment




Configure LiveCycle components




5.1.3 Considerations for WebSphere application server

  • Configuration Manager does not support deployment or undeployment of EAR files with custom file names. If your EAR files use a custom file name, you must manually deploy and undeploy them to the application server.

  • If you are deploying components to WebSphere on a localized instance of the Windows operating system, the Configuration Manager deployment process reaches approximately 7% completion and then adobe-livecycle-websphere.ear fails to deploy. You must perform additional steps described in the Miscellaneous Errors section of the adobe-livecycle-websphere.ear fails to deployarticle.

  • If you are installing in a distributed environment to a secured server, you will encounter SSL handshake exceptions when running Configuration Manager. To avoid this error, run the following executable file before running Configuration Manager: [appserver root]/bin/retrieveSigners.bat. The retrieveSigners utility retrieves the certificates from the WebSphere Deployment Manager server and adds them to the local server’s trust store. See the article Retrieving signers using the retrieveSigners utility at the client available from the IBM Information Center.

  • Some Configuration Manager screens require you to provide the SOAP port of the application server or the deployment manager. For more information on how to determine SOAP ports of your WebSphere application server, see this blog.

  • If you are configuring a remote application server, ensure that an application server is also installed on the same computer as Configuration Manager so that Configuration Manager can use the application server library files.

  • You can determine the JNDI port number by logging in to WebSphere Administrative Console. On WebSphere admin console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [server name] > Communications > Ports. You will need to provide the value for BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS when you configure the application server using Configuration Manager.

5.1.4 Considerations while configuring LiveCycle Server Clusters

  • You cannot configure settings for IPv6-based clusters using Configuration Manager.

  • It is recommended that you have local server fonts and customer fonts directories at the same path on each node in the cluster. Having shared fonts directories instead of local fonts directories may cause performance issues.

5.1.5 Set the date, time, and time zone

Setting the date, time, and time zone on all servers connected to your LiveCycle environment will ensure that time-dependent modules, such as Adobe® LiveCycle® Digital Signatures 11 and Reader Extensions 11, function correctly. For example, if a signature appears to have been created in the future, it will not validate.

Servers that require time synchronization are database servers, LDAP servers, HTTP servers and J2EE servers (Application servers).

Note: Ensure that all the machines used in a LiveCycle cluster are time synchronized.

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