Add a dynamic watermark template

You can create dynamic watermark templates. These templates remain available as a configuration option for policies that administrators or users create.

Note: Dynamic watermark configuration information is not captured with the other configuration information when you export a configuration file.
  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Rights Management 11 > Configuration > Watermarks.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Name box, type a name for the new watermark.
    Note: You cannot use some special characters in the names or descriptions of watermarks or watermark elements. See the restrictions listed in Considerations for editing policies.
  4. Under Name, next to the plus sign, enter a meaningful name to the watermark element such as Header, and add a description, and expand the plus sign to display the options.

  5. Under Source, select the type of watermark as either Text or PDF.

  6. If you selected Text, do the following:

    • Select the watermark types to include. If you select Custom Text, in the adjacent box, type the text to display for the watermark. Keep in mind the text length that will appear as watermark.

    • Specify the text formatting properties such as font name, font size, foreground color, and background color for the text contents of the watermark text. Specify the foreground and background color as hex values.

      Note: If you select the scaling option as Fit To Page, the font size property is not available for editing.
  7. If you selected PDF for rich watermark options, Click Browse next to Select Watermark PDF to select the PDF document that you want to use as the watermark.
    Note: Do not use a password-protected PDF document. If you specify a password-protected PDF as the watermark element, the watermark is not applied.
  8. Under Use As Background, select either Yes or No.
    Note: Currently, the watermark appears in the foreground irrespective of this setting.
  9. To control where the watermark is displayed on the document, configure the Vertical Alignment and Horizontal Alignment options.

  10. Either select Fit to Page or select % and type a percentage in the box. The value must be a whole number, not a fraction. To configure the watermark size, you can use a value that is the percentage of the page or set the watermark to fit the size of the page.

  11. In the Rotation box, type the degrees by which to rotate the watermark. The range is from -180 to 180. Use a negative value to rotate the watermark counterclockwise. The value must be a whole number, not a fraction.

  12. In the Opacity box, type a percentage. Use a whole number, not a fraction.

  13. Under Advanced Options, set the following:
    Page Range Options
    Set the range of pages where the watermark should be displayed. Enter the start page as 1 and the end page as -1 to have all pages marked with the watermark.

    Display Options
    Select where you want to have the watermark appear. By default, the watermark appears both on soft copy (online) and hard copy (print).

  14. Click New under watermark Elements to add more watermark elements if necessary.

  15. Click OK.

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