Some client applications may not support Dynamic watermarks.
See the appropriate Rights Management Extension Help. In addition,
keep in mind the following about the versions of Acrobat that supports
dynamic watermarks:
You cannot use a password-protected
PDF document as the watermark element.
Acrobat and Adobe Reader versions earlier than 10 do not
support the following watermark features:
PDF watermarks
Multiple elements in the watermark (Text/PDF)
Advanced options such as range of pages, or display options
Text formatting options such as specified font, font name
and color. However, earlier versions of Acrobat and Reader will
display the text content in the default font and color.
Acrobat 9.0 and earlier versions: Acrobat 9.0 and earlier
does not support policy names in dynamic watermarks. If Acrobat
9.0 opens a policy-protected document with a dynamic watermark that
includes a policy name and other dynamic data, the watermark is
displayed without the policy name. If the dynamic watermark includes
only the policy name, Acrobat displays an error message