Event auditing options

You can enable and disable event auditing and specify the types of events to be audited.

Document events

View Document:
A recipient views a policy-protected document.

Close Document:
A recipient closes a policy-protected document.

Print Low resolution
A recipient prints a policy-protected document with the low-resolution option specified.

Print High resolution:
A recipient prints a policy-protected document with high-resolution option specified.

Add Annotation to Document:
A recipient adds an annotation to a PDF document.

Revoke Document:
A user or administrator revokes access to a policy-protected document.

Unrevoke Document:
A user or administrator reinstates access to a policy-protected document.

Form Filling:
A recipient enters information into a PDF document that is a fillable form.

Removed Policy:
A publisher removes a policy from a document to withdraw the security protections.

Change Document Revocation URL:
A call from the API level changes the revocation URL that is specified in order to access a new document that replaces a revoked document.

Modify Document:
A recipient changes the content of a policy-protected document.

Sign Document:
A recipient signs a document.

Secure a New Document:
A user applies a policy to protect a document.

Switch Policy on Document:
A user or administrator switches the policy that is attached to a document.

Publish Document As:
A new document whose documentName and license are identical to an existing document is registered on the server, and the documents do not have a parent-child relationship. This event can be triggered using the LiveCycle SDK.

Iterate Document:
A new document whose documentName and license are identical to an existing document is registered on the server, and the documents have a parent-child relationship. This event can be triggered using the LiveCycle SDK.

Policy events

Created Policy:
A user or administrator creates a policy.

Enabled Policy:
An administrator makes a policy available.

Changed Policy:
A user or administrator changes a policy.

Disabled Policy:
An administrator makes a policy unavailable.

Deleted Policy:
A user or administrator deletes a policy.

Change Policy Owner:
A call from the API level changes the policy owner.

User events

Deleted User:
An administrator deletes a user account.

Register Invited User:
An external user registers with Rights Management.

Successful Login:
Successful login attempts by administrators or users.

Invited Users:
Rights Management invites a user to register.

Activated Users:
External users activate their accounts by using the URL in the activation email, or an administrator enables an account.

Change Password:
Invited users change their passwords or an administrator resets a password for a local user.

Failed Login:
Failed login attempts by administrators or users.

Deactivated Users:
An administrator disables a local user account.

Profile Update:
Invited users change their name, organization name, and password.

Account Locked:
An administrator locks an account.

Policy Set Events

Created Policy Set:
An administrator or policy set coordinator creates a policy set.

Deleted Policy Set:
An administrator or policy set coordinator deletes a policy set.

Modified Policy Set:
An administrator or policy set coordinator changes a policy set.

System events

Directory Synchronization Complete:
This information is not available from the Events page. The current directory synchronization information, including the current synchronization state and time of the last synchronization, is displayed on the Domain Management page. To access the Domain Management page in Administration Console, click Settings > User Management > Domain Management.

Client Enable Offline Access:
A user enabled offline access to documents that are secured against the server on the user’s computer.

Synchronized Client
Client application must synchronize information with the server to allow for offline access.

Version Mismatch:
A version of the LiveCycle SDK that is incompatible with the server attempted to connect to the server.

Directory Synchronization Information:
This information is not available from the Events page. The current directory synchronization information, including the current synchronization state and time of the last synchronization, is displayed on the Domain Management page. To access the Domain Management page in Administration Console, click Settings > User Management > Domain Management.

Server Configuration Change:
Changes to the server configuration that are done either through the web pages or manually by importing a config.xml file. This includes changes to the base URL, session time-outs, login lockouts, directory settings, key rollovers, SMTP server settings for external registration, watermark configuration, display options, and so on.

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