Create a policy set

Global Policy Set is the only default policy set that is created upon installation. You can create additional policy sets and add policies, users, policy set coordinators, and document publishers. After creating a policy set, you can create policies within the set.

During policy set creation, you can use the Back button to return to the previous screen and the Save button to save your policy set at any time.

  1. On the Rights Management, page, click Policies, click the Policy Sets tab, and then click New.

  2. In the Name box, type a name for the policy set, optionally type a Description, and then click Next. The name cannot contain a colon (:).

    Note: You can create a policy set name that contains extended characters; however, when a comparison is made between two strings, accented and non-accented characters such as "e" and "é" are considered to be the same. When someone creates a policy set, a comparison is made to check whether a policy set with the same name already exists. The comparison cannot distinguish between names that are the same except for accented characters. It is assumed that the policy set is already added to the database and the new one is not added.
  3. (Optional) To set the domains that are visible to Document Publishers when they are adding users to a policy, click Add Domains, select the domains to make searchable, click Add, and then click OK.

  4. On the Add Visible Users and Groups page, click Next.

  5. (Optional) To add a policy set coordinator, click Add Users and Groups on the Add Policy Set Coordinator(s) (Step 3 of 4) page and perform these tasks:

    • In the Find box, type the name or email address.

    • In the Using list, select the appropriate option.

    • In the Type list, select User and, in the In list, select a domain to search.

    • In the Display list, select the number of results to display per page, and then click Find.

    • Select the check box for the user or group to add and click Next.

    • Select the policy set coordinator permissions and click Add. The following permissions can be set:

      • View events

      • Manage documents (revoke and reinstate access to documents, and switch policies on documents)

      • Manage policies (create, edit, and delete policies)

      • Managing Document Publishers (add and remove Document Publishers)

      • Delegate (add and remove Policy Set Coordinators)

  6. Repeat step 5 to add more policy set coordinators.

  7. Review the policy set coordinator settings and click Next.

  8. Click Add Users and Groups to add document publishers who can use the policies within the policy set to protect documents.

  9. On the Add Document Publishers page, perform these tasks:

    • In the Find box, type the name or email address.

    • In the Using list, select the appropriate option.

    • In the Type list, select User and, in the In list, select a domain to search.

    • In the Display list, select the number of results to display per page, and then click Find.

    • Select the check boxes for the users and groups to add, click Add, and then click OK.

  10. Click Save.

You can now add policies to your policy set. (See Creating and editing policies.)

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