Edit a role

  1. In Administration Console, click Settings > User Management > Role Management, and then click Role Name.

    By default, the Role Management page displays all the roles in the User Management database. If the list of roles is large, use the Find area at the top of the page to search for a specific role name.

  2. Click the role to edit, edit the general settings, and click Save.

  3. To edit role permissions, click the Permissions tab and do these tasks:

    • To add new permissions, click Find Permissions, select the check boxes for the permissions to add, click OK, and then click Save.

    • To delete a permission from the role, select the check box for the permission, click Delete, and then click Save.

  4. To manage who the role is assigned to, click the Role Users tab and do these tasks:

    • To assign the role to new users and groups, click Find Users/Groups, and complete the search information. Select the check box for each user and group to assign this role to, click OK, and then click Save.

    • To remove the role, select the check box for the users or group, click Unassign, and then click Save.

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