Output service settings

The Output service (OutputService) enables you to merge XML form data with a form design created in LiveCycle Designer to create a document output stream in one of the following formats:

  • A PDF or PDF/A document output stream.

  • An Adobe PostScript output stream.

  • A Printer Control Language (PCL) output stream.

  • A Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) output stream.

The output stream can be sent to a network printer, a local printer, or a disk file. When you use the Output service as part of a process, you can also send the output stream to an email recipient as a file attachment.

The following settings are available for the Output service. For details on how to configure these settings, see Configure service settings.

Transaction Type:
Specifies how a transaction context should be propagated to an operation:
supports a transaction context if one already exists; otherwise, a new transaction context is created. This is the default value.

Requires New:
Always creates a new transaction context. If an active transaction context exists, it is suspended.

Transaction Time Out (in sec):
The number of seconds that the underlying transaction provider waits before rolling back a transaction that is wrapping this operation. This value is ignored if an existing transaction context is propagated.

When processing large data files or operating on a busy server, it may be necessary to increase the Output service time out. To change the time-out value, ensure that hardware servers have adequate memory and that the memory is available to the Java Application Server heap. The default value is 180.

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