PDFG Config service settings

The following settings are available for the PDFG Config service (PDFGConfigService).

User Job Options Directory:
The path of the file-system folder where the c service writes the job options files that are accessible to Acrobat Pro Extended. The default value is [user.home]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings.

PS Startup Directory:
The path of the file-system folder where the startup files required by Adobe Acrobat Distiller are saved. The default value is [user.home]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Startup.

PS Startup File:
The name of the startup file required by Adobe Acrobat Distiller. The default value is example.ps.

Server Conversion Timeout:
The maximum job conversion timeout (in seconds) for the Generate PDF service and the Distiller service. This setting limits the maximum conversion timeout that can be specified in the config.xml file and in the Administration Console pages for PDF Generator. The default value is 270.

Server Global Timeout:
While performing PDF conversions, a LiveCycle server takes into account the timeout limit. Configure the timeout value to resolve the issue.

Job Options Prefix:
A prefix used by the Generate PDF service to prepend a short string to the job options files that it creates temporarily for use by Acrobat Distiller. The default value is pdfg.

Non Unicode Apps:
A comma-separated list of application names that are known to be Unicode-incapable. This list is pre-populated with the names of several applications, support for which is pre-configured in PDF Generator. If you choose to add support for PDF conversions through other third-party applications that are Unicode-incapable, you must add to them to this list. The default value is Autocad,Excel,PowerPoint,Project,Publisher,Visio,Word,WordPerfect.

Server Threadpool Count:
Controls the size of the thread pool that the Generate PDF service uses internally to service HTML-to-PDF conversion requests that involve spidering (converting linked pages accessible from the main page). The default value is 20.

PDFG Cleanup Scan Seconds:
See the Job Expirations Seconds section for details.

Job Expiration Seconds:
The Generate PDF service deletes input files as soon as they are converted. It stores output files temporarily, for a length of time determined by the PDFG Cleanup Scan Seconds and Job Expiration Seconds settings.

The Job Expiration Seconds setting specifies how old a file or empty folder must be before it is eligible for deletion. The PDFG Cleanup Scan Seconds setting specifies how often a cleanup thread scans the temporary folders for files that can be deleted.

For example, if Job Expiration Seconds is set to 100 and PDFG Cleanup Scan Seconds is set to 200, the cleanup thread runs every 200 seconds and deletes files that are 100 seconds or older.

The default value of PDFG Cleanup Scan Seconds is 43200 (12 hours). The default value of Job Expiration Seconds is 86400 (24 hours).

Default Locale:
Used to override the default locale (country + language) of the server where the Generate PDF service is deployed. If this parameter is unspecified, then the default locale is determined from the operating system on which the service is deployed. This parameter controls the language in which the error messages are returned to the APIs.

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