A string value
that represents the name of the store where the space exists.
you provide a literal value, select the name from the list. Currently,
only SpacesStore is available.
Association Type
A string value
that represents the type of relationship between the contents.
you provide a literal value, select one of the following options:
An association between an attachment and the data XML file.
The attachment must have the aspect attachable applied to
it. It is a many-to-one association, which means that multiple attachments
can be associated with an XML file.
An association between an XML data file and a PDF form. The
XML file must have the aspect linkable applied to it. It
is a many-to-one association, which means that multiple data files
can be associated with the same PDF form.
An association between two PDF documents. The source document must
have the aspect PDFToPDFLink applied to it. It is a many-to-one
association, which means that two or more documents can be linked
An association between an XDP Document attachment and the XDP
data XML file. The attachment must have the aspect xdpAttachment applied to
it. It is a many-to-one association, which means that multiple XDP
Document attachments can be associated with a single XML file.
addition to these association types, another association type, called contains, can
be specified using the following name:
association type can be specified only as a variable or XPath. This
association is an internal association between a space and its children
(content and folders). When providing this association and passing
the path or ID of a folder and the setting isParent = true,
a list of node IDs of all the children of the folder is returned.
You can then use the retrieveContent operation to return all the documents
contained in the folder.
Node ID/Path
A string value
that represents a fully qualified name or a unique identifier of the
content node whose related nodes are retrieved. The path must start
from the root location (for example, /Company Home/User Home/My Home/Mydata.xml).
you provide a literal value, either type the path or identifier
or click Browse to select the content node.
Is Parent Node
A boolean value
that indicates whether the content node that is specified in the Node
ID/Path property is a parent node. A value of true indicates
that it is a parent node. A value of false indicates
that it is not a parent node.
Output properties
Associated Nodes
A list of
unique identifiers of all the associated content. These identifiers
can be used to retrieve the content.