Unlock policy-protected PDF operation

Unlocks a policy-protected document. Unlock a policy-protected document to pass the document to another short-lived service. For example, before the Signature service can sign a policy-protected document, it must be unlocked.

You cannot use this operation to unlock a policy-protected Microsoft Office document.

Note: When you create long-lived processes, in the Administration Console, configure the process security as Run As Named User. This configuration is required to unlock a policy-protected PDF. (See Applications and Services Help.)

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties.

Input properties

Property to specify the PDF document to unlock.

Input PDF Document

A document value that represents the policy-protected PDF document.

If you provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button  to open the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)

Output properties

Property to specify the unlocked PDF document.

Result PDF Document

(Optional) The unlocked PDF document. The data type is document.

If you provide a variable, select a variable from the Result PDF Document list. Click the plus sign button  to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).


This operation can throw an SDKException exception.

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