5.6 Disabling status pages for JBoss

Due to a possible information disclosure issue, remove access to the JBoss status page by following these steps for your version of the application server.

  1. (JBoss 5.1 only) Locate [JBoss root]/server/lc_turnkey/deploy/ROOT.war/WEB-INF, and open the web.xml file in an editor.

    (JBoss 4.2.1 only) Locate [JBoss root]/server/lc_turnkey/deploy/ jbossweb.deployer/ROOT.war/WEB-INF, and open the web.xml file in an editor

  2. Comment out the servlet and servlet-mapping tags as follows:

        <!-- <servlet> 
            <servlet-name>Status Servlet</servlet-name> 
            <servlet-name>Status Servlet</servlet-name> 
        </servlet-mapping> -->
  3. Save and close the file.

// Ethnio survey code removed