2.1 How the LiveCycle upgrade works

Upgrading to LiveCycle involves the following major tasks, many of which are automated when you use the turnkey method of installation and deployment:

  1. Manually backing up the existing LiveCycle data.

  2. Installing LiveCycle product files including new versions of the application server and database.

  3. Configuring and deploying the LiveCycle EAR files.

  4. Updating (patching) the services components that are part of LiveCycle.

The installation program and Configuration Manager together perform most of the tasks. You are prompted for input throughout the process, as described by the steps in this document.

Note: Correspondance Management solution is not supported on JBoss 4.2.1.

Detailed outline of tasks performed in the turnkey upgrade process

If you originally installed LiveCycle ES Update 1 or LiveCycle ES2 using the turnkey method, you can use the turnkey upgrade process to move to LiveCycle. The turnkey installation and upgrade process performs the following tasks:

  • Installs the LiveCycle product files

  • Installs a preconfigured JBoss 4.2.1 or JBoss 5.1 application server (with Apache Tomcat servlet container embedded)

  • Installs a preconfigured version of MySQL 5.1.30 database server.

  • Starts Configuration Manager

  • (Upgrading on the same machine running your existing LiveCycle instance) Stops the appropriate JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle service

  • (Upgrading on the same machine running your existing LiveCycle instance) Migrates contents of Global Document Storage (GDS) from the default location of your previous instance of LiveCycle ES Update 1 or LiveCycle ES2, to LiveCycle ES3 default location.

    Note: : If you changed the GDS location in the previous version of LiveCycle, you need to ensure that your LiveCycle ES3 GDS location should be the same. If not the same, you must copy the contents of your previous GDS location manually to the LiveCycle ES3 GDS location.
  • Configures and assembles the LiveCycle ES3 EAR files

  • (Upgrading on the same machine running your existing LiveCycle instance) Migrates MySQL data from your previous instance of MySQL installed with LiveCycle to the new instance of MySQL installed with LiveCycle ES3.

    Important: If your previous instance of LiveCycle and your new installation of LiveCycle ES3 are not on the same machine, you must manually import MySQL data into the MySQL instance installed by LiveCycle ES3 installer and copy the relevant directories onto the new computer you plan to use for LiveCycle ES3. See this article for detailed steps about Migrating previous instance of LiveCycle MySQL Database to new instance of LiveCycle ES3 MySQL Database and backing up LiveCycle data.
  • Starts the JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES3 service.

  • Deploys LiveCycle EAR Files to JBoss

  • Initializes the MySQL database

  • Performs migration of critical data, before deploying components

  • Deploys all the required components to JBoss

  • Updates (patches) the existing components, preserving previous service configuration parameters, endpoints, watched folders, and so on

  • Migrates essential data, including settings, and configuration data to LiveCycle

  • Configures modules such as ECM Connectors (for example Connector for EMC Documentum, Connector for IBM FileNet, Connector for IBM Content Manager, or Connector for Microsoft SharePoint), PDF Generator, and Reader Extensions.

  • Deploys LiveCycle Samples to JBoss

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