4.4 Configuring LiveCycle ES3

Now that LiveCycle ES3 is installed, you are ready to begin the upgrade configurations. The Configuration Manager wizard performs the tasks required for upgrading.

4.4.1 Configuring LiveCycle

Note: If you plan to install Correspondence Management Solution, ensure that you have run the Correspondence Management Solution installer before running the Configuration Manager. For more information, see Installing Correspondence Management Solution.
Note: Press F1 in Configuration Manager to view Help information for the screen you are viewing. You can view the configuration progress at any time by clicking View Progress Log.
  1. If you are continuing from the LiveCycle installation, proceed to step 3; otherwise, navigate to the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin folder and run ConfigurationManager.bat.

  2. When prompted, select the language to use, and then click OK.

  3. If you are prompted to choose to use existing Configuration Data, click OK.

  4. On the Welcome to Adobe LiveCycle ES3 screen, click Next.

  5. On the Upgrade Task Selection screen, select the appropriate option for your existing version of LiveCycle, and then click Next.

  6. (Reusing Adobe LiveCycle ES2 pre-configured JBoss with LiveCycle ES3 only) While on the Copy Crypto JARs screen, manually copy the jsafeJCEFIPS.jar, jsafeFIPS.jar and certjFIPS.jar from JBoss_DVD/third_party/jboss-4.2.1_jars/crypto to [LiveCycle ES2 or LiveCycle ES2.5 JBoss 4.2.1 Home]/server/<server_profile>/lib.

    Note: Above step applicable only if you are leveraging LiveCycle ES2 or LiveCycle ES2.5’s, Adobe pre-configured JBoss with JBoss 4.2.1, for upgrade to LiveCycle ES3.
  7. On the Correspondence Management Solution Selection screen, Correspondence Management Solution 10.0.2 option is selected by default. With this option selected, you will be presented with the configuration screens to configure Correspondence Management Solution.

    Click Next to continue

    Note: This screen appears only when Correspondence Management Solution is installed.

4.4.2 Selecting modules

 On the Modules screen, ensure that the Adobe LiveCycle modules that you want to upgrade are selected. By default, all the modules that you select will be licensed with an Evaluation License. Click Next.
Important: Ensure that all modules configured in your previous LiveCycle instance are selected. You may choose to deploy additional modules.

4.4.3 Selecting Tasks

 On the Task Selection screen, ensure that all the required tasks are selected, and then click Next.
Note: The Configure Application Server and Validate Application Server Configuration tasks are not available for selection for JBoss turnkey. The JBoss turnkey method does not support these tasks because the application server is already configured for LiveCycle.

4.4.4 Reviewing the requirements

 On the Pre-upgrade Steps and Pre-upgrade Steps (Contd...) screens, review the requirements and perform all tasks relevant to your environment and then click Next.

4.4.5 Stopping JBoss

 On the Stop LiveCycle screen, click the button to stop LiveCycle ES Update 1 or LiveCycle ES2 JBoss service, and then click Next.

4.4.6 Migrating Global Document Storage directory

 On the Migrate Global Document Storage (GDS) directory and other LiveCycle content screen, click Migrate Contents to copy the existing LiveCycle content to the new LiveCycle ES3 location. When complete, click Next.
Note: If the GDS location was changed in LiveCycle ES Update 1 or LiveCycle ES2, then migrate the contents of the GDS manually.

4.4.7 Migrating Custom Data Sources

 On the Migrate Custom Data Sources screen, if you had created custom datasources after installing your previous instance of LiveCycle, select the Import datasources option, click Start to import them. When complete, click Next.

If you do not have custom data sources, leave the option deselected and click Next.

4.4.8 Configuring LiveCycle EAR, Fonts, and GDS

  1. On the Configure LiveCycle ES3 (1 of 5) screen, click Configure and, when the EAR files have been configured, click Next. Depending on the number of modules that are included in the configuration, this process may take several minutes to complete.

  2. On the Configure LiveCycle ES3 (2 of 5) screen, set the directories that LiveCycle will use to access fonts and then click Next.

    Click Edit configuration to change any values on this screen. This button is not available when the Configuration Manager is run for the first time, but is available on the second and subsequent runs of the Configuration Manager.
    • (Optional) To change the default location of the Adobe server fonts directory, type the path or browse to the directory. The default path is [LiveCycle root]/fonts

    • To change the default location of the Customer fonts directory, click Browse or specify a new location for your customer fonts.

      Note: Your right to use fonts provided by parties other than Adobe is governed by the license agreements provided to you by such parties with those fonts, and is not covered under your license to use Adobe software. Adobe recommends that you review and ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable non-Adobe license agreements before using non-Adobe fonts with Adobe software, particularly with respect to use of fonts in a server environment.
    • (Optional) To change the default location of the System fonts directory, type the path or browse to the directory.

    • (Optional) To enable FIPS, ensure that Enable FIPS is selected. Select this option only if you require the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) to be enforced.

  3. On the Configure LiveCycle ES3 (3 of 5) screen, accept the default location for the Location of temporary directory, or enter the path or click Browse to specify the path. Click Next to continue.

  4. On the Configure LiveCycle (4 of 5) screen, accept the default location for the Global document storage directory path, or click Browse to specify the fully qualified path. If LiveCycle ES Update 1 or LiveCycle ES2 did not use the default GDS directory, for a successful upgrade you must specify a directory for LiveCycle ES3, and copy the contents of the previous GDS directory to this new location.

    Note: If you migrated GDS contents to the LiveCycle ES3 installation in the step 4.4.6 Migrating Global Document Storage directory, do not modify the prepopulated value of Global document storage directory path.
  5. On the Configure Persistent Document Storage (5 of 5) screen, select either Use GDS or Use database, and then click Configure.

    • Use GDS: Use the file system based GDS for all persistent document storage. This option provides the best performance and a single location for GDS.

    • Use database: Use the LiveCycle database for storing persistent documents and long-lived artifacts. However, the file-system based GDS is also required. Using the database simplifies backup and restore procedures.

    Click Next.

4.4.9 Configuring Content Services

  1. On the Content Services Configuration screen, specify location to store contents. The default path is [LiveCycle root]\lccs_data.

    Note: This location must be the content storage root directory from your previous installation of LiveCycle. If you want to specify a new location then you must copy the contents from content storage root directory configured in your previous LiveCycle installation to this new location before proceeding further.

    You may choose Configure File Servers (CIFS and FTP) to configure file servers, and Advanced Settings to configure settings, such as inbound e-mail server and disk usage. Click Next.

  2. On the Content Services File Server Configuration screen, set the parameters that CIFS and FTP Server requires. This screen appears only if you select Configure File Servers option on Content Services Configuration screen.
    • FTP Server Port: To enter the port number, ensure that the Enable FTP Server option is selected. The Port number that FTP server uses for communication. Default port number is 8021.

    • CIFS Server Name: To enter the CIFS server name, ensure that the Enable CIFS option is selected. The Content Services repository will be accessible by the server name mentioned in CIFS Server Name box. For example, cifs-servername.

    • Choose the CIFS Server Implementation: Choose Java (Socket Based) or Windows Native (DLL Based).

      If your CIFS Implementation type is Java (Socket Based), then enter the following details:

      • Alternate IP Address: IP Address of the CIFS server.

      • Primary WINS Server IP Address: The Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server to dynamically map the IP address to the computer names. It is used to resolve the local domain. It is the IP address of the Primary WINS server. Its value can be found using the ipconfig/all command.

      • Secondary WINS Server IP Address: The IP address of the secondary WINS server. Its value can be found using ipconfig/all command.

      • Broadcast IP Address: The broadcast IP address which is used to resolve the local domain.

      If your CIFS Implementation type is Windows Native (DLL Based):
      • System Path to copy CIFS dlls: Provide a location to where Configuration Manager can copy CIFS dll files.

    Click Next.

  3. On the Content Services Advanced Settings Configuration screen, select required options. You can limit disk usage quota and provide settings for inbound email server on this screen. This screen appears only if you select Advanced Settings in Content Services Configuration screen.

    • Propagate Content Services events to LiveCycle: Select if Content Services events like create, delete, update, check in and check-out events must be propagated to LiveCycle processes.

    • Enable Auditing in Content Services: When selected, application or user interactions with Content Services repository can be recorded.

    • Enable Disk Usage Quota: Specify, in megabytes, the disk space quota for a user in Content Services. If a user attempts to add more data than the quota specified, an error message is displayed.

    • Inbound email server settings: Settings of the internal email server to which messages are directed. Further settings:

      • Mail Server Domain: The domain of the inbound email server.

      • Mail Server Port: The port that the email server listens to, for incoming connections. The defaults port number is 25.

      • Allowed Email Senders: The domains of allowed email senders.

      • Blocked Email Senders: The domains of blocked email senders.

      • Unknown User

    Click Next.

  4. On the Content Services Module Configuration screen, select the AMPs to package in Content Services. You can package custom AMPs in Content Services by selecting Do you want to package your own AMPs in Content Services? Click Configure to configure Content Services module. When complete, click Next.

    Important: If you chose to package custom AMPs in your previous version of LiveCycle, then you must specify the AMPs again to re-package them in LiveCycle EAR.

4.4.10 Configuring Acrobat for PDF Generator

  1. (PDF Generator only) On the Configure Acrobat For LiveCycle PDF Generator screen, click Configure to run the configuration script. When complete, click Next.

  2. On the Configure LiveCycle Summary screen, click Next.

4.4.11 Configuring the LiveCycle Database

Important: Ensure that the old and current versions of MySQL are running before you perform these steps.
Important: If you have chosen the Install Adobe LiveCycle ES3 option on the Preparation for Upgrade screen, or are installing LiveCycle ES3 on a computer that never had LiveCycle ES Update1 or LiveCycle ES2 installed on it, you must manually import your old LiveCycle database into LiveCycle ES3 database.
  1. On the LiveCycle Database screen, specify information about the database you are going to use with LiveCycle, and then click Verify Connection to test the connection. Click Next.

  2. On the Previous LiveCycle Database screen, specify information about the LiveCycle database that you are upgrading from, and then click Verify Connection to test the connection. Click Next.

    Note: This screen appears only if you have chosen the Prepare to upgrade existing installation to Adobe LiveCycle ES3 option on the Preparation for Upgrade screen.
  3. On the Upgrade MySQL Relational Database screen, click Upgrade MySQL to migrate the old LiveCycle data to the new MySQL database.

    Note: This screen appears only if you have chosen the Prepare to upgrade existing installation to Adobe LiveCycle ES3 option on the Preparation for Upgrade screen.

4.4.12 Configuring turnkey JBoss SSL

 On the Configure Turnkey JBoss SSL screen, add the information to configure the SSL certificate and click Configure JBoss SSL, when complete click Next.

You can skip this step by selecting the Skip Configuration and configure it later in LiveCycle Configuration Manager.

  • Certificate Alias: The alternate unique name that is used to reference the certificate (for example, LiveCycleCert).

  • Keystore filename: The name of the keystore that is assigned to store the keys and the certificate (for example, lces).

4.4.13 Installing verification samples

 (Forms, Output, and Assembler only) On the LiveCycle ES3 Installation Verification Sample (IVS) EAR files screen, you can install three service-specific sample applications. Select Include IVS EARs in deployment set and click Next to install these sample files.

adobe-output-ivs-jboss.ear and adobe-forms-ivs-jboss.ear appears only if you selected respective modules in Modules screen.

Note: Do not deploy the IVS EAR files to a production environment.

4.4.14 Deploying LiveCycle EARs

 On the Deploy LiveCycle ES3 EAR files screen, select the EAR files you want to deploy to JBoss, click Deploy and when complete, click Next.
Note: During EAR files Deployment to LiveCycle, certain errors may be displayed regarding EARs being unable to locate the correct table. You may ignore these errors.

4.4.15 LiveCycle Database Initialization

 On the LiveCycle ES3 Database Initialization screen, verify the host and port information, and then click Initialize. The database initialization task creates tables in the database, adds default data to the tables, and creates basic roles in the database. When the initialization completes successfully, and then click Next.
Do not skip this step. Database initialization does not harm legacy data.

4.4.16 LiveCycle Server Information

 On the LiveCycle ServerInformation screen, type the administrator user ID and password from your previous version of LiveCycle, and click Verify Server Connection. When the validation is complete, click Next.

The server information that appears on this screen represents default values for the deployment. Verifying the server connection helps narrow troubleshooting in case failures occur in the deployment or validation. If the connection test passes but deployment or validation fails in the next few steps, connectivity issues can be eliminated from the troubleshooting process.

4.4.17 JNDI Information

 On the LiveCycle ES3 JNDI Information screen, specify the JNDI server host name and port number and click Verify Connection. When verified, click Next.

4.4.18 Performing Critical Tasks before Component Deployment

 On the Perform critical tasks before component deployment screen, click Start to perform the tasks required before components are deployed. When complete, click Next.

4.4.19 Session ID Migration Errors

 View and fix the errors that were encountered while migrating session IDs from you old instance of LiveCycle, and then click Next. It is important to fix these errors else you may encounter some failed workflow invocations post-upgrade.

4.4.20 Central Migration Bridge Service Deployment Configuration

 On Central Migration Bridge Service Deployment Configuration screen, select Include Central Migration bridge service in deployment if you are licensed to configure LiveCycle with Central Pro or Web Output Pak, and then click Next.

4.4.21 LiveCycle Components Deployment

  1. On the LiveCycle ES3 Component Deployment screen, click Deploy. The components deployed at this time are Java archive files that plug into the LiveCycle service container for purposes of deploying, orchestrating, and executing services. When the deployment has completed successfully, click Next.

  2. On the LiveCycle ES3 Component Deployment Validation screen, click Validate. Configuration Manager validates that the Java archive files are deployed to and running on the LiveCycle server. When the validation is completed successfully, click Next.

4.4.22 Migrating ECM Form Templates

Note: If you are upgrading to LiveCycle ES3 from LiveCycle ES2, which was upgraded from LiveCycle ES or LiveCycle ES Update 1 and you have not performed following steps during the previous upgrade then you must perform them now. You can choose to skip these steps if you migrated ECM form templates during the previous upgrade.
  1. On the Migrate ECM form templates screen, choose one of the following options:

    • Select the Skip Form Template Import option to skip importing your existing form templates, and then click Next.

    • Deselect the Skip Form Templates Import option, click Start to import all of your existing form templates, and then click Next.

  2. (If you deselected Skip Form Templates Import option only) On the Migrate ECM form templates (Contd.) screen, select or deselect the previous LiveCycle form templates to migrate, and add or remove the paths to any directories that contain existing custom form templates. When complete, click Next.

4.4.23 Configuring LiveCycle Components

 On the Configure LiveCycle ES3 Components screen, select the LiveCycle modules to configure, and then click Next. The screens that appear next depend on your selections on this screen.
Note: If you are upgrading any Connectors for ECM module, do not select them on this screen. Only include them if you are licensing them for the first time in LiveCycle and proceed with the following steps as appropriate. Configuring Connector for EMC Documentum

 On the Specify Client for EMC Documentum screen, do one of the following tasks:
  • Deselect the Configure Connector for EMC Documentum Content Server option to manually configure EMC Documentum later, and then click Next.

  • Leave the option selected, enter the appropriate version and directory path, and then click Verify. When complete, click Next and complete the tasks on the following screens:

    • On the Specify EMC Documentum Content Server Settings screen, enter the required values and then click Next.

    • On the Configure Connector for EMC Documentum screen, click Configure Documentum Connector. When complete, click Next. Configuring Connector for IBM Content Manager

 On the Specify Client for IBM Content Manager screen, do one of the following tasks:
  • Deselect the Configure Connector for IBM Content Manager option to manually configure IBM Content Manager later, and then click Next.

  • Leave the option selected, enter the appropriate directory path, and then click Verify. When complete, click Next and complete the tasks on the following screens:

    • On the Specify IBM Content Manager Server Settings screen, enter the required values and then click Next.

    • On the Configure Connector for IBM Content Manager screen, click Configure IBM Content Manager Connector. When complete, click Next. Configuring Connector for IBM FileNet

 On the Specify Client for IBM FileNet screen, do one of the following tasks:
  • Deselect the Configure Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager option to manually configure IBM FileNet later, and then click Next.

  • Leave the option selected, enter the appropriate version and directory path, and then click Verify. When complete, click Next and complete the following screens:

    • On the Specify IBM FileNet Content Server Settings screen, enter the required values and then click Next.

    • On the Configure Connector for IBM FileNet Process Engine screen, enter the appropriate version (if enabled) and directory path, and then click Verify. When complete, click Next.

    • On the Specify IBM FileNet Process Engine Server Settings screen, enter the required values and then click Next.

    • On the Configure Connector for IBM FileNet screen, click Configure FileNet Connector. When complete, click Next. Configuring Connector for Microsoft SharePoint

 On the Configure Adobe LiveCycle ES3 Connector for Microsoft SharePoint screen, do one of the following tasks:
  • Deselect the Configure Adobe LiveCycle ES3 Connector for Microsoft SharePoint option to manually configure Microsoft Sharepoint later, and then click Next.

  • Leave the Configure Adobe LiveCycle ES3 Connector for Microsoft SharePoint option selected. Enter the required values, and then click Configure SharePoint Connector. When complete, click Next. Verifying Configuration for ECM Connectors

 On the Verify Configurations screen, do one of the following tasks:
  • If you are configuring the connectors for the first time or have modified any of the configurations on the previous screens, leave the Restart Application Server option selected and click Validate Configurations. When successfully validated, click Next.

  • If you wish to configure connectors later, deselect the Restart Application Server option and click Validate Configurations. When successfully validated, click Next. Manually Configuring Connectors

Note: This screen appears only when you select to configure ECM Connectors on the Configure LiveCycle Component screen but then skip configuring the ECM Connectors on the conenctor screens.

Configuring LiveCycle Connectors

  1. Create a file called adobe-component-ext.properties and place it in the application server's working directory.

  2. Add an attribute that associates the ECM Java libraries with the ECM component. The format of the attribute is: com.adobe.livecycle.Connectorfor[ECM].ext=[Comma delimited list of Jar Files, Resource files and/or Directories]

  3. Start the application server.

  4. When you finish running Configuration Manager and LiveCycle is deployed and running, specify the location of the EMC Documentum Content Server, IBM Content Manager DataStore, IBM FileNet Content Engine IP/Port and user credentials for connectors in the Administration Console. Configuring PDF Generator

  1. In the Administrator user credentials for native PDF conversions screen box, enter the user name and password of a user with administrative privileges on the server machine. Click Add user.

    Add at least one administrative user for Windows 2008 Server and Click Next.

    Note: On Windows 2008 Server, disable User Account Control (UAC) for the users you add. To disable UAC, click Control Panel > User Accounts > Turn User Account Control on or off and deselect Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer. Click OK. Your changes become effective when the system is restarted.
    Important: Ensure that you disable UAC for the users you add. See 3.4.2 Configuring Windows installation for more information.
  2. In the LiveCycle PDF Generator System Readiness Test screen, click Start to validate if the system has been configured correctly for PDF Generator. Review the System Readiness Tool Report and click Next. Configuring Reader Extensions Credential

  1. On the Default Reader Extensions Credential screen, verify that the alias for the default Reader Extensions credential is correct and then click Next.

    Note: This screen comes only when you are upgrading from LiveCycle ES Update 1 to LiveCycle ES3. If no credential was configured with your previous installation of LiveCycle ES Update 1, then the following screen appears instead.
  2. On the Reader Extensions Credential Configuration screen, specify the details that are associated with the Reader Extensions credential that activates the module services.
    Note: You can skip this step at this time by selecting Configure later using LiveCycle ES3 Administration Console. You can configure the Reader Extensions credential by using Administration Console after you complete the deployment. (After logging in to Administration Console, click Home > Settings > Trust Store Management > Local Credentials.)

    Click Configure and then click Next.

  3. On Correspondence Management Solution Deployment screen, specify the Admin user ID and password, and click Configure to package modified web applications and copy them to the LiveCycle EAR.

    When the configuration is complete, click Next.

4.4.24 Importing samples

 On the LiveCycle ES3 Samples Import screen, perform one of these actions:
  • Click Import to import the LiveCycle Samples, and then click Next.

  • To skip this step, select Skip LiveCycle Samples Import, and click Next. You can import the samples later by restarting Configuration Manager and choosing to import the samples.

    Important: Do not import the LiveCycle Samples if either of these options apply to your implementation:
  • If you are deploying LiveCycle to a production system. Importing the samples creates users with default passwords, which may be a security concern for your production environment.

  • If you are deploying the services for Connector for EMC Documentum or Connector for IBM FileNet, you can import the samples into the Documentum repository or FileNet object store after you configure, enable, and activate the ECM to be the repository provider by using Administration Console.

4.4.25 Restarting Server

 Restart the JBoss application server as specified on the Server Restart Required screen. This is necessary as some configurations are applied only after the server is restarted. Click Next.

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