LiveCycle Components Verification

Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

BAM installation and continued usage

Check if BAM is installed.

LiveCycle ES3 is the last release to support BAM

Note: You can only reuse an existing instance of LiveCycle BAM with LiveCycle ES3

You can continue using BAM and the existing processes that use BAM will continue to work with LiveCycle ES3. Proceed with the next task item listed in the table.

If you wish to discontinue using BAM, back up existing data, uninstall BAM, and discontinue its resource allocation. See Uninstalling the BAM Server manually for more information.

New Database

If you wish to use a new database, migrate existing BAM data after creating the new database.


For more information, see: Export and backup Business Activity Monitoring metadata

BAM Publisher DSC

Check if installed (using Workbench, verify if the DSC is active in the components view).


If you wish to, you could install the BAM Publisher DSC afresh. See the bam_wizard_guide.pdf document found at <LiveCycle root>\LiveCycle_ES_SDK\misc\Business_Activity_Monitoring\LavaActivitySuite\BAMWizard\

Adobe LiveCycle 10 Connectors for ECM

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

ECM Connector

Note the ECM connector in use.



ECM Server

Note the version and check if supported.

Not supported with LiveCycle ES3

Upgrade to a supported version.

ECM Client

Note the version and check if supported

Not supported with LiveCycle ES3

Upgrade to a supported version.

ECM Form Templates

Back up form templates and associated data


N/A file

Should be copied from the old application server profile to the new application server profile in case of an out-of-place upgrade



Content Services (deprecated)

Note: Adobe is migrating Adobe® LiveCycle® Content Services ES customers to the Content Repository built on the modern, modular CRX architecture, acquired during the Adobe acquisition of Day Software. The Content Repository is provided with LiveCycle Foundation and is available as of the LiveCycle ES3 release.

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

Content Storage Root directory (lccs_data)

Perform cold backup of Content Services (deprecated) data and note the size.

Unable to find lccs_data.

When installing LiveCycle ES2 (service pack 2), LiveCycle Configuration Manager did not append lccs_data to the custom path specified for Content Storage Root directory. Hence, the folder name of the Content Storage Root directory may be different.

LiveCycle AMPs

Track all LiveCycle AMPs.


Reimport all existing and any additional LiveCycle AMPs when running the Configuration Manager.

Merged Custom AMPs

Track any additional custom AMPs added.

Custom AMPs will be overridden on upgrade.

Remerge the AMPs carefully, paying attention to any potential conflicting changes in the properties.

Content Services (deprecated) APIs

Deprecated. LiveCycle ES3 is the last release supporting these APIs.



Database Locks

Check if there are locks on Content Services (deprecated) tables.

Content Services (deprecated) EAR deployment will fail.

Clear all database locks.


Check if the table is present.

If present, Content Services (deprecated) EAR deployment will fail.

Delete the table.


Check for duplication in the table.

Content Services (deprecated) EAR deployment will fail.

See TechNote for more information.








ALF_AUDIT_* (that is all tables beginning with alf_audit_)

Note the size of each of these tables.

Content Services (deprecated) EAR deployment may fail due to server timeout if the data volume is large.

For more information, see: Troubleshooting LiveCycle guide

Adobe LiveCycle Data Services 10

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

Custom DSC and Data Management DSC

Check if deployed.


If the DSCs are deployed correctly, the end points are created. Keep track of these end points.

FML TLO Handler

Check if com.adobe.livecycle.datatypeutility. FMLTLOHandler record is present in the tb_sc_tlo registry table. The record is deleted by the upgrade process.

Upgrade does not delete the record.

Manually delete the record.

Legacy LCAs that use FML

Track LCAs that use FML.



Classes in DSCs

Check if the classes being serialized are serializable.


Only serializable classes can be serialized.

Adobe LiveCycle Digital Signatures 10

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

HSM-based signatures

Note expiry dates of certificates and credentials.




Note expiry dates of certificates and credentials.



Web Services based implementation for HSM-based Signatures

Redeploy if you are migrating to a new system.


You can also switch to BMC implementation. For more information, see: HSM-based Signatures on 64-bit Windows Computers.

End points

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information


Note the email addresses assigned to email end points.

The addresses are invalid.

Provide valid email addresses by logging in to Administration Console. See Configuring email endpoints for more information.

Watched Folder

Note the paths assigned to watched folders.

The paths do not exist and the watched folders are inaccessible.

Set up watched folders at locations that are highly available by logging in to Administration Console. See Configuring watched folder endpoints for more information.


Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

Number of forms

Note the number of forms.



Web Services used within forms

Note the URLs for usage post-upgrade.



Types of forms

Note the types of forms in use (PDF, HTML, Adobe® Flex®, Guides (deprecated), etc.)



Guides (deprecated)

Note: Effective March 10th, 2012, Adobe is deprecating the Guides capabilities of Adobe® LiveCycle® ES. The Guides functionality is available for upgrade purposes only and will be removed from the product after two major releases.

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

Customized Guide system (1.0)

If customized, then back up the customized files.




Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

Provisioning Profile

Check the settings for
  • Encryption

  • Time to Live

  • Forms Application

  • Tasks Application

  • Content Services (deprecated) Application

  • Offline support

  • Android

  • Apple iOS

  • AIR

  • BlackBerry

  • Windows Mobile

  • Android Microsoft eXchange ActiveSync (R) required

  • Android Minimum Pin Length

  • Android Maximum Password Retries before Wipe

  • Android Wipe on Removal.

If no pin is used on the Mobile Client, 0 should be set for both settings “Minimum Pin Length” and “Maximum Password Retries before Wipe”. Otherwise, no form will be downloaded to the form list on the client.

By default, the Android Minimum Pin Length is set with 4 and Android Maximum Password Retries before Wipe is set with value 5.

Adobe LiveCycle Output 10 Services

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information


Note the IP addresses of all printers, and check if they are accessible.

Printers are inaccessible.


Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator 10

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information



Not supported with LiveCycle ES3.

PDFG-3D has to be uninstalled manually. See Uninstalling components for more information.

Adobe's partner Prostep AG is now responsible for the support and upgrade of the PDFG 3D service. When planning your upgrade of PDFG 3D, contact Prostep AG. Contact details and additional information about PDFG 3D is available from their website at:

Adobe® Acrobat® Version

Note the Acrobat version.


Install Acrobat X

Adobe LiveCycle Process Management 10 / Adobe LiveCycle Workspace 10

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

End-user Interfaces

See Supported Platform Combinations and install supported versions of Flex SDK, Flash Player, and Browser.



Number of processes

Using the LiveCycle Administration Console note the number of processes.



Service States

Using LiveCycle Administration Console track the service states for all services.

Some services maybe inactive causing exceptions during upgrade.

If these services are not expected to be inactive, start them using Workbench.




Note the data volume.



Process States

Using the LiveCycle Administration Console note the number of Stalled and Running processes.


Stalled and Running processes can be resumed after upgrading.

Workspace Customization

Check if Workspace is customized.

Customization cannot be migrated.

Workspace must be recustomized after upgrade. Export and backup adobe-workspace-client.ear. After upgrade, replace the default Workspace client with the old EAR file.

Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions 10

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information


Note the expiry date.



Custom Credential Files

Locate the custom credential file, if any.


If you are upgrading from ES2, note down the default credential file.


Note the expiry date.



Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management 10

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

URL of the LiveCycle Server

Note the landing URL of your existing LiveCycle installation.


To ensure that your existing policies continue to work with an out-of-place upgrade to LiveCycle ES3, ensure that the Host Name and Port (landing URL) of the upgraded system remains the same as the existing system.


Note the number of policies, policy sets, and permissions these policies or policy sets may have.



Database size

Note the size of the Rights Management database.



User Management

Checklist/Task Item

Action Item

Failure Points

More Information

LDAP Synchronization

Ensure that the LDAP is synchronized and the authentications function as expected.



Canonical names



Canonical names of users are not visible on the UI, but will be visible after Upgrade.

// Ethnio survey code removed