Forming a team with personnel who have the necessary skill
sets is the first step when upgrading. The personnel, based on the
skill sets they possess, should carry out specific tasks during
different stages of upgrade.
The personnel responsible for upgrading should comprise of members
with the following skill sets to perform a successful upgrade to
Livecycle ES3.
Installing and administering application servers, databases,
and operating systems, the ones that currently run LiveCycle in
particular. These skill sets are necessary for surveying your enterprise
infrastructure prior to upgrading during the Pre-upgrade analyses stage.
Installing and administering LiveCycle. These skill sets
are necessary to execute the upgrade project during the Upgrade Execution stage.
Managing and developing LiveCycle applications, processes,
and other artifacts (forms, third party libraries, etc.). These
skill sets are necessary for verifying your LiveCycle ES3 installation
and enterprise infrastructure after upgrading during the Post-upgrade Validation stage.
End-users to test the upgraded system and end-user interfaces.