Class SignatureProperties

  extended by com.adobe.livecycle.signatures.client.types.SignatureProperties
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SignatureProperties
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents basic signature properties associated with a signed or certified PDF signature field. These properties are set when a PDF document is signed or certified. This class was added in LiveCycle ES2.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getContactInfo()
          Returns contact information that is associated with the signature.
 String getLegalAttestations()
          Returns legal attestations that are associated with the signature.
 String getLocation()
          Returns the location where the PDF document was signed.
 String getReason()
          Returns the reason why the PDF document was signed.
 int getRevisionNumber()
          Returns the revision number that is associated with the signature.
 String getSignerName()
          Returns the name of the signer.
 Date getSigningDate()
          Returns the date on which the PDF document was signed.
 Timestamp getTimestamp()
          Returns time stamp information that is associated with the signature.
 int getTotalRevisions()
          Returns the total revisions that are associated with the signature.
 void setContactInfo(String contactInfo)
          Sets contact information that is associated with the signature.
 void setLegalAttestations(String legalAttestations)
          Sets legal attestations that are associated with the signature.
 void setLocation(String location)
          Sets the location where the PDF document was signed.
 void setReason(String reason)
          Sets the reason why the PDF document was signed.
 void setRevisionNumber(int revisionNumber)
          Sets the revision number that is associated with the signature.
 void setSignerName(String signerName)
          Sets the name of the signer.
 void setSigningDate(Date signingDate)
          Sets the date on which the PDF document was signed.
 void setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp)
          Sets time stamp information that is associated with the signature.
 void setTotalRevisions(int totalRevisions)
          Sets the total revisions that are associated with the signature.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SignatureProperties()
Method Detail


public Date getSigningDate()
Returns the date on which the PDF document was signed.

A java.util.Date object that represents the signing date.


public void setSigningDate(Date signingDate)
Sets the date on which the PDF document was signed.

signingDate - A java.util.Date object that represents the signing date.


public String getReason()
Returns the reason why the PDF document was signed.

A string value that specifies the reason why the PDF document was signed.


public void setReason(String reason)
Sets the reason why the PDF document was signed.

reason - A string value that specifies the reason why the PDF document was signed.


public String getLocation()
Returns the location where the PDF document was signed.

A string value that specifies the location where the PDF document was signed.


public void setLocation(String location)
Sets the location where the PDF document was signed.

location - A string value that specifies the location where the PDF document was signed.


public String getContactInfo()
Returns contact information that is associated with the signature.

A string value that specifies contact information that is associated with the signature.


public void setContactInfo(String contactInfo)
Sets contact information that is associated with the signature.

contactInfo - A string value that specifies contact information that is associated with the signature.


public String getLegalAttestations()
Returns legal attestations that are associated with the signature. For information about legal attestations, see section "8.7.4 Legal Content Attestations" in the PDF Reference guide.

A string value that specifies legal attestations that are associated with the signature.


public void setLegalAttestations(String legalAttestations)
Sets legal attestations that are associated with the signature. For information about legal attestations, see section "8.7.4 Legal Content Attestations" in the PDF Reference guide.

legalAttestations - A string value that specifies legal attestations that are associated with the signature.


public int getRevisionNumber()
Returns the revision number that is associated with the signature.

An integer value that specifies the revision number that is associated with the signature.


public void setRevisionNumber(int revisionNumber)
Sets the revision number that is associated with the signature.

revisionNumber - An integer value that specifies the revision number that is associated with the signature.


public int getTotalRevisions()
Returns the total revisions that are associated with the signature.

An integer value that specifies the total revisions that are associated with the signature.


public void setTotalRevisions(int totalRevisions)
Sets the total revisions that are associated with the signature.

totalRevisions - An integer value that specifies the total revisions that are associated with the signature.


public Timestamp getTimestamp()
Returns time stamp information that is associated with the signature. A time stamp indicates that specific data was established before a certain time. This knowledge helps build a trusting relationship between the signer and verifier.

A Timestamp enumeration value that specifies time stamp information.


public void setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp)
Sets time stamp information that is associated with the signature. A time stamp indicates that specific data was established before a certain time. This knowledge helps build a trusting relationship between the signer and verifier.


public String getSignerName()
Returns the name of the signer.

A string value that specifies the name of the signer.


public void setSignerName(String signerName)
Sets the name of the signer.

signerName - A string value that specifies the name of the signer.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]