Interface IIBMFileNetContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient

public interface IIBMFileNetContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient

IBM FileNet Content Repository Connector service client interface: This interface contains all methods that can be invoked on the service using the service client

23 May 2007

Method Summary
 String createFolders(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String folderPath)
          This method creates folders in the FileNet object store.
 void createRelationship(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String relationshipType, String headDocumentGUIDOrPath, String tailDocumentGUIDOrPath, Map propertyNameValueMap)
          Creates a relationship between two IBM FileNet Documents or Custom Type objects.
 void deleteContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String documentGUIDOrPath)
          Deletes a document/Folder from the IBM FileNet repository.
 List getAllItemsList(String objectStoreName, String path, boolean showOnlyFolders)
          Returns a list of all sub-folders and documents inside a given object store and path.
 List getClassPropertyList(String objectStoreName, String className, boolean includeReadOnlyProperties)
          Returns a list of properties for the given class (className) in the given object store (objectStore).
 List getClassTypeList(String objectStoreName)
          Returns a list of supported class types from the given IBM object store.
 IGetLinkedLCAssetsLocationResult getLinkedLCAssetsLocation(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String ecmObjectPath, String assetLinkObjectRelationship)
          Fetches the form template repository URL from the native repository for the given form data object in the IBM FileNet repository.
 List getObjectStoreNameList()
          Returns a list of object stores for the currently configured IBM FileNet Content Engine.
 List getRelated(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String relationshipType, String documentGUIDOrPath, boolean isHead)
          Returns a list containing GUIDs of documents or custom objects related to a specified document or custom object by the given relationship type.
 List getRelationshipTypeList(String objectStoreName)
          Returns a list of relationship type classes from the given objectStore.
 IRetrieveContentResult retrieveContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String documentGUIDOrPath, List inPropertyNameList)
          Retrieves a document from the IBM FileNet repository.
 void setLinkToLCAssets(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String ecmObjectPath, String formTemplateURL, String assetLinkObjectRelationship, Map propertyNameValueMap)
          Links objects, files, or data in the native repository to an asset in the FileNet repository.
 IStoreContentResult storeContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, String objectStoreName, String folderPath, String documentClassType, String documentMimeType, String documentTitle, Document documentContents, UpdateVersionType updateVersionType, Map propertyNameValueMap)
          Stores a document with the given contents into the IBM FileNet repository in the specified folder.

Method Detail


void createRelationship(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                        String objectStoreName,
                        String relationshipType,
                        String headDocumentGUIDOrPath,
                        String tailDocumentGUIDOrPath,
                        Map propertyNameValueMap)
                        throws RepositoryException
Creates a relationship between two IBM FileNet Documents or Custom Type objects. Note: The created relationship is weak, in that if you delete either the head or tail resource, the relationship itself is not deleted.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
relationshipType - Required. Class describing the relationship between head and tail documents.
headDocumentGUIDOrPath - Required. GUID or Path for the document that constitutes the head in the relationship. For example, E9B46C4F-B75C-46BD-87C3-037A38E6BDF3} or /FolderPath/documentTitle) of the document or custom object. Note: Paths should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName).
tailDocumentGUIDOrPath - Required. GUID or Path for the document that constitutes the tail in the relationship. For example, E9B46C4F-B75C-46BD-87C3-037A38E6BDF3} or /FolderPath/documentTitle) of the document or custom object. Note: Paths should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName).
propertyNameValueMap - Optional. Map containing relationship property names and their values. These properties are set on the relationship. If any of the property names are not correct, an exception is thrown.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If the passed class in relationship class type is invalid.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


List getClassPropertyList(String objectStoreName,
                          String className,
                          boolean includeReadOnlyProperties)
                          throws RepositoryException
Returns a list of properties for the given class (className) in the given object store (objectStore). Authentication is performed using the credentials specified at the Admin UI for IBM FileNet.

objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
className - Required. Name of the class whose property list is required.
includeReadOnlyProperties - Required. If false, read-only properties are not returned in the list.
A list containing properties for the given class.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


List getClassTypeList(String objectStoreName)
                      throws RepositoryException
Returns a list of supported class types from the given IBM object store. These classes obey the following criteria:

objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
A list of supported class types.
RepositoryException - If the required objectStoreName parameter is NULL.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


List getRelated(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                String objectStoreName,
                String relationshipType,
                String documentGUIDOrPath,
                boolean isHead)
                throws RepositoryException
Returns a list containing GUIDs of documents or custom objects related to a specified document or custom object by the given relationship type.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
relationshipType - Required. Relationship type between a document and its related documents.
documentGUIDOrPath - Required. Document or custom object whose related documents' GUIDS must be returned. For example, E9B46C4F-B75C-46BD-87C3-037A38E6BDF3} or /FolderPath/documentTitle) of the document or custom object. Note: Paths should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName).
isHead - Required. If true, GUIDs for all documents or custom objects that participate as the tail(in the given relationship) are returned. If false, GUIDs for all documents that participate as head (in the given relationship) are returned.
A list containing GUIDs of documents or custom objects related to the given document or custom object.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


List getRelationshipTypeList(String objectStoreName)
                             throws RepositoryException
Returns a list of relationship type classes from the given objectStore. These classes obey the following criteria:

objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
A list of supported class types.
RepositoryException - If the required objectStore parameter is NULL.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


List getObjectStoreNameList()
                            throws RepositoryException
Returns a list of object stores for the currently configured IBM FileNet Content Engine. Repository credentials are obtained from the configuration page for EMC Documentum, on the Services page of LiveCycle Administration Console.

A list of object store names.
RepositoryException - When IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


IRetrieveContentResult retrieveContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                       String objectStoreName,
                                       String documentGUIDOrPath,
                                       List inPropertyNameList)
                                       throws RepositoryException
Retrieves a document from the IBM FileNet repository.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
documentGUIDOrPath - Required. GUID or path of the required document. For example, E9B46C4F-B75C-46BD-87C3-037A38E6BDF3} or /FolderPath/documentTitle) of the document or custom object. Note: Paths should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName).
inPropertyNameList - Optional. Map containing document properties and their values. If any of the property names are not correct, an exception is thrown. This is an optional parameter.
An IRetrieveContentResult object with the contents of the document.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If an invalid path or GUID is provided.
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
RepositoryException - If the user does not have read permissions on the document.
RepositoryException - If the document is checked out.
RepositoryException - If the user does not have permissions to check out the document.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when FileNet throws a run-time error.


IStoreContentResult storeContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                 String objectStoreName,
                                 String folderPath,
                                 String documentClassType,
                                 String documentMimeType,
                                 String documentTitle,
                                 Document documentContents,
                                 UpdateVersionType updateVersionType,
                                 Map propertyNameValueMap)
                                 throws RepositoryException
Stores a document with the given contents into the IBM FileNet repository in the specified folder. Existing documents are updated. The update type depends on how the flag updateVersionType flag is set. The stored document is stored as the current version.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
folderPath - Required. Path of the folder in which the document will be stored. For example, /Folder. Note: The folder must exist. The path should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName). Folder paths are used as is.
documentClassType - Required. FileNet class for the document. It is required only in case a new document is to be created. For an existing document, if a parameter value other than the existing value is provided, the parameter is ignored and the existing value is retained.
documentMimeType - Required. Mime type of the document. For example, "text/plain".
documentTitle - Required. Name of the document. This name is used to check whether the document already exists.
documentContents - Required. Contents of the document.
updateVersionType - Required. Parameter that sets the version type to be used (in case a document is being updated)
propertyNameValueMap - Optional. Map containing document properties and their values. These properties are set on the document. All correct property names are set. Any incorrect property names are not set. This method does not throw an exception when an incorrect property is found.
An IStoreContentResult object with information about the created or updated document.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If a forward slash [/] is passed as folderPath.
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
RepositoryException - If the folder path (folderPath does not exist.
RepositoryException - If the user does have write permissions for the folder.
RepositoryException - If an I/O Exception occurs during the operation.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when FileNet throws a run-time error.


String createFolders(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                     String objectStoreName,
                     String folderPath)
                     throws RepositoryException
This method creates folders in the FileNet object store. If a folder in the given path does not exist, the folder is created. This functionality is equivalent to the UNIX mkdir -p command.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine, where folders will be created.
folderPath - Required. The path of the new folders. If any of the folders in the path do not exist, they will be created. In this operation, all folder paths should start with a forward slash [/].
The GUID of the leaf folder.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If the folderPath does not start with a forward slash [/].
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
RepositoryException - If the user does not have write permissions for the folder.
RepositoryException - If an I/O Exception occurs during the operation.
RepositoryException - In all other cases where FileNet throws a run-time error.


List getAllItemsList(String objectStoreName,
                     String path,
                     boolean showOnlyFolders)
                     throws RepositoryException
Returns a list of all sub-folders and documents inside a given object store and path.

objectStoreName - Required. Object store in IBM FileNet Content Engine.
path - Required. Path in IBM FileNet Content Engine.
showOnlyFolders - Required. If true only sub-folders are fetched. If false both documents and sub-folders are fetched.
A list of all sub-folders and documents, or only sub-folders inside a folder. Each list item is a map representing a document or sub-folder. This map contains the keys: name, path, isFolder, mimetype, and hasChildren.
RepositoryException - If the required objectStore parameter is NULL.
RepositoryException - If the required path parameter is NULL.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when IBM FileNet throws a run-time error.


void setLinkToLCAssets(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                       String objectStoreName,
                       String ecmObjectPath,
                       String formTemplateURL,
                       String assetLinkObjectRelationship,
                       Map propertyNameValueMap)
                       throws RepositoryException
Links objects, files, or data in the native repository to an asset in the FileNet repository. This method creates a new object "Asset Link Object" (ALO)(if it does not exist) in FileNet repository corresponding to the form template URL information (present in the Native Repository). However, the form template URL path is not cross checked for its existence at the time of ALO creation. An ALO does not necessarily represent a form template in the native repository. It means that an ALO object can also be created for any resource lying in native repository. If the ecmObjectPath is specified, a relationship between ecmObjectPath (in FileNet repository) and an ALO is created. If an ALO corresponding to a form template URL already exists, a relationship between ecmObjectPath and ALO is created. Once created, an ALO cannot be modified, and the properties of an ALO object cannot be altered.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine.
ecmObjectPath - Required. Path of the object in ECM repository. For example, /Folder/Filename.ext. Note: The path should lead to an existing ECM object. The path should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName).
formTemplateURL - Required. Form template URL (preferably, path of the XDP in the native repository). This path is not cross checked for its existence at the time of ALO creation.
assetLinkObjectRelationship - Optional. Relationship between ECM Object and ALO. If nothing is specified, "Related Items" is used as a default relationship type.
propertyNameValueMap - Optional. Map containing relationship properties and their values. These properties are set on the relationship. If any of the property names are not correct, an exception is thrown.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
RepositoryException - If ecmObjectPath does not exist.
RepositoryException - If the user does not have write permissions for the folder where the ALO is stored.
RepositoryException - If an I/O Exception occurs during the operation.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when FileNet throws a run-time error.


IGetLinkedLCAssetsLocationResult getLinkedLCAssetsLocation(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                                           String objectStoreName,
                                                           String ecmObjectPath,
                                                           String assetLinkObjectRelationship)
                                                           throws RepositoryException
Fetches the form template repository URL from the native repository for the given form data object in the IBM FileNet repository.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine, where form data is kept.
ecmObjectPath - Required. ECM Object Path. For example, /Folder/EcmObject.xml. It must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path.
assetLinkObjectRelationship - Optional. Relationship between form data and the asset link object. If nothing is specified, "Related Items" is used as a default relationship type.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
RepositoryException - If the ecmObjectPath does not exist.
RepositoryException - If an I/O Exception occurs during the operation.
RepositoryException - In all other cases when FileNet throws a run-time error.


void deleteContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                   String objectStoreName,
                   String documentGUIDOrPath)
                   throws RepositoryException
Deletes a document/Folder from the IBM FileNet repository. In case of a folder all its sub folders and other containees are also deleted. If however, due to some reason an exception is thrown when trying to delete any of the above subfolders/containees, further deletion halts and few containees are deleted while few are left undeleted.

loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to IBM FileNet Repository. You can authenticate using:
  • Process Context (In this mode no other details are required from the user)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Token (IBM FileNet ticket)
objectStoreName - Required. Object store in the IBM FileNet Content Engine, where the document or folder is stored.
documentGUIDOrPath - Required. GUID or path of the document or folder. For example, E9B46C4F-B75C-46BD-87C3-037A38E6BDF3} or /FolderPath/documentTitle) of the document or custom object. Note: Paths should use a forward slash [/], and must not include the name of the object store (objectStoreName).
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
RepositoryException - If an invalid path or GUID is provided.
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
RepositoryException - If the user does have delete permissions on the document.
RepositoryException - In all other cases where FileNet throws a run-time error.

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