Interface DocumentManagementServiceClient

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DocumentManagementServiceClient

The DocumentManagementServiceClient class enables you to programmatically perform operations supported by the LiveCycle service named Document Management. Using an object of this type, you can perform tasks such as the following:

For information about performing these tasks and to view Java quick start examples that use a DocumentManagementServiceClient object, see Performing Document Management Operations Using APIs in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

Method Summary
 Map cancelCheckOut(String storeName, List nodeIDsOrPaths)
          Cancels check out of a given list of content nodes.
 Map checkIn(String storeName, List nodeIDsOrPaths, VersionType versionType, Boolean keepCheckedOut, Boolean revokePrevious, Map versionAttributes)
          Performs check-ins with suitable options for a list of nodes.
 Map checkOut(String storeName, List nodeIDsOrPaths, String destinationNodeOrPath)
          Checks out a given list of content nodes List of versions are returned in a NodeVersion instance.
 String copyContent(String storeName, String sourceDocumentIDOrPath, String targetContentPath)
          Copies content from one Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) location to another location.
 void createAssociation(String storeName, String associationType, String parentNodeIDOrPath, String childNodeIDOrPath)
          Creates an association between content located in Content Services ES2 (Deprecated).
 String createSpace(String storeName, String spacePath)
          Creates a new Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space.
 String createSpace(String storeName, String spacePath, TemplateOptionsSpec templateOptions, String templateName)
          Creates a new Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space, based on the template specified.
 Boolean deleteContent(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath)
          Deletes the specified content from Content Services ES2 (Deprecated).
 List getAspectsList()
          Returns the different type of Content Services aspects that can be applied on content.
 List getAssociated(String storeName, String associationType, String nodeIDOrPath, Boolean isParent)
          Retrieves an association that exists between content.
 List getAssociationTypesList(String storeName)
          Returns a list of association types that are present.
 Map getContentAttributes(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath, String versionLabel)
          Retrieves all attributes that are associated with content in a Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space.
 List getNodeTypes()
          Returns the different type of Content Services nodes that can be created.
 List getSpaceContents(String storeName, String spaceIDOrPath, Boolean getOnlyFiles)
          Retrieves the contents of the specified space.
 List getVersionHistory(String storeName, String spaceIDOrPath, Boolean isAscending)
          Retrieves the version history of a node.
 Boolean importContent(String storeName, String spacePath, String nodeName, Document zipDocument, String nodeEncoding)
          Imports content into a specified Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space.
 String moveContent(String storeName, String sourceDocumentIDOrPath, String targetContentPath)
          Moves content from one Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) location to another location.
 ReadPermissionsResult readPermissions(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath)
          Retrieves access permissions that are applicable to a Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) node.
 void removeAspects(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath, List aspects)
          Removes the specified aspect from a node.
 CRCResult retrieveContent(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath, String versionLabel)
          Retrieves content from the specified Content Services space.
 ResultSet searchRepository(String storeName, String basePath, Boolean includeSubDir, Query query, Integer maxSize)
          Searches Content Services for content.
 void setContentAttributes(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath, List aspects, Map attributeMap)
          Sets content attributes.
 CRCResult storeContent(String storeName, String spacePath, String nodeName, String nodeType, Document nodeContent, String nodeEncoding, UpdateVersionType updateVersionType, List aspects, Map attributeMap)
          Stores content in a specified Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space.
 void writePermissions(String storeName, String nodeIDOrPath, List accessPermissions, Boolean inheritParentPermissions)
          Sets access permissions that are applicable to a Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) node.

Method Detail


String createSpace(String storeName,
                   String spacePath)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Creates a new Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space. If the parent space does not exist, it is created.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Creating Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) spaces using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - The store where the space is created. The default value for this parameter is SpacesStore.
spacePath - The fully qualified path of the space to create. The path starts from the root (for example, /Company Home/User Homes/userA/space).
A string value that represents an identifier value of the new space in a UUID (or GUID) format (for example, 556acef7-8478-46d9-bdd6-ea955d21d617).
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to create a new space.


String createSpace(String storeName,
                   String spacePath,
                   TemplateOptionsSpec templateOptions,
                   String templateName)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Creates a new Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space, based on the template specified. If the parent space does not exist, it is created. This method enables you to define a space template as part of creating a space.

storeName - The store where the space is created. The allowed store value is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
spacePath - The fully qualified path of the space to create. The path starts from the root (for example, /Company Home/User Homes/userA/space). This value is a mandatory parameter.
templateOptions - A TemplateOptionsSpec enumeration value that controls how the space is created. For example, specify TemplateOptionsSpec.CREATE_FROM_SPACE to create a new space based on an existing space.
templateName - A string value that specifies the name of the template that is used to create a space. If you specify TemplateOptionsSpec.CREATE_FROM_SPACE, then specify the fully qualified path of the space on which the new space is based (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory). This value is a mandatory parameter.
A string value that represents an identifier value of the new space in a UUID (or GUID) format (for example, 556acef7-8478-46d9-bdd6-ea955d21d617).
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to create a new space.


CRCResult storeContent(String storeName,
                       String spacePath,
                       String nodeName,
                       String nodeType,
                       Document nodeContent,
                       String nodeEncoding,
                       UpdateVersionType updateVersionType,
                       List aspects,
                       Map attributeMap)
                       throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Stores content in a specified Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space. The following content versioning values are supported:

To see this method used in a code example, see the Add content to Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - The store where the content is added. The allowed store value is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
spacePath - A fully qualified path of the space where the content is added (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory). This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeName - A string value that represents the content name of the content (for example, MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeType - A string value that represents the node type. The default type is content. This value is expressed as {}content. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeContent - A com.adobe.idp.Document object that represents the data to add. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeEncoding - A string value that represents the data encoding type (for example, UTF-8). This value is a mandatory parameter.
updateVersionType - An UpdateVersionType enumeration value that specifies how to handle version information (for example, specify UpdateVersionType.INCREMENT_MAJOR_VERSION to increment the content version). This value is a mandatory parameter.
attributeMap - A java.util.List instance that specifies aspects related to the content. This value is an optional parameter and you can specify null.
attributeMap - A java.util.Map object that stores content attributes.
A CRCResult object that represents the content.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to store content.


CRCResult retrieveContent(String storeName,
                          String nodeIDOrPath,
                          String versionLabel)
                          throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Retrieves content from the specified Content Services space.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Retrieve content from Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - The store from where the content is retrieved. The allowed store value is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - The fully qualified node name of the content that is retrieved (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
versionLabel - A string value that specifies the version that is retrieved (for example, 1.2). This value is an optional parameter, and you can pass an empty string value. In this situation, the latest version (head version) is retrieved.
A CRCResult object that contains the content along with node attributes.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to retrieve content.


Map getContentAttributes(String storeName,
                         String nodeIDOrPath,
                         String versionLabel)
                         throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Retrieves all attributes that are associated with content in a Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space.

storeName - The store from where the content attributes are retrieved. The allowed store value is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - The fully qualified node name of the content whose attributes are retrieved (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
versionLabel - A string value that specifies the version that is retrieved (for example, 1.2). This value is an optional parameter, and you can pass an empty string. In this situation, the latest version is retrieved.
A java.util.Map object containing the attributes associated with the specified content.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to retrieve attribute values.


void setContentAttributes(String storeName,
                          String nodeIDOrPath,
                          List aspects,
                          Map attributeMap)
                          throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Sets content attributes. You can, for example, set a content's description attribute. To set the description attribute, specify the following string value: {}description. Attributes are typically set when you add content to Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) or create associations between content. For information about other attributes that you can set, see the Adding Content to Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) topic in Programming with LiveCycle ES2.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Creating Associations using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES2.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is added. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the content (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
aspects - A java.util.List object that contains an aspect value (for example, {}linkable). For information about aspects that you can set, see the Creating Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) Associations topic in Programming with LiveCycle ES3. This value is a mandatory parameter.
attributeMap - A java.util.Map object that contains content attributes. Multiple value attributes are supported.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to set attributes.


void removeAspects(String storeName,
                   String nodeIDOrPath,
                   List aspects)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Removes the specified aspect from a node. If the aspect is absent, this method does not perform an action.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store from which an aspect is removed. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the content (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
aspects - A java.util.List object that contains an aspect value to remove.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to remove an aspect.


List getAssociated(String storeName,
                   String associationType,
                   String nodeIDOrPath,
                   Boolean isParent)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Retrieves an association that exists between content. This method returns a java.util.List object, where each element is a string.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store from which associations are retrieved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
associationType - A string value that specifies the association type (for example, {}linkedBy). This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the content (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
isParent - A Boolean value that specifies if the content is the parent node.
A java.util.List object that contains an association.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to retrieve an association.


List getAssociationTypesList(String storeName)
                             throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Returns a list of association types that are present.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where association types are retrieved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
A java.util.List object that contains association types.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to retrieve association types.


void createAssociation(String storeName,
                       String associationType,
                       String parentNodeIDOrPath,
                       String childNodeIDOrPath)
                       throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Creates an association between content located in Content Services ES2 (Deprecated). There are three kinds of associations:

To see this method used in a code example, see the Creating Associations using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store in which an association is created. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
associationType - A string value that specifies the association type. For example, to create a linkedBy association, pass {}linkable. This value is a mandatory parameter.
parentNodeIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the parent content. For example, if you create a linkedBy association, specify the path to the PDF document. This value is a mandatory parameter.
childNodeIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the child content. For example, if you create a linkedBy association, specify the path to the XML document. This value is a mandatory parameter.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to create an association.


Boolean deleteContent(String storeName,
                      String nodeIDOrPath)
                      throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Deletes the specified content from Content Services ES2 (Deprecated). When you delete a resource, the deletion is permanent. When deleting a resource, ensure that you do not need that resource again.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Delete Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) content using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is deleted. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
documentIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the content to delete (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory). This value is a mandatory parameter.
A Boolean value that specifies whether the content was deleted. If the content was successfully deleted, then the value true is returned.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to delete content.


String copyContent(String storeName,
                   String sourceDocumentIDOrPath,
                   String targetContentPath)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Copies content from one Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) location to another location.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is copied. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
sourceDocumentIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the content to copy (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
targetContentPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path of the location to which the content is copied. This value is a mandatory parameter.
A string value that represents an identifier value of the copied content in a UUID (or GUID) format (for example, 556acef7-8478-46d9-bdd6-ea955d21d617).
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to copy content.


String moveContent(String storeName,
                   String sourceDocumentIDOrPath,
                   String targetContentPath)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Moves content from one Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) location to another location. When you move content, unlike when you copy the content, moved content no longer exists in the original location.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Move Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) content using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is moved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
sourceDocumentIDOrPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path to the content to move (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
targetContentPath - A string value that specifies the fully qualified path of the location to which the content is moved. This value is a mandatory parameter.
A string value that represents an identifier value of the moved content in a UUID (or GUID) format (for example, 556acef7-8478-46d9-bdd6-ea955d21d617).
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to move content.


List getNodeTypes()
                  throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Returns the different type of Content Services nodes that can be created.

A java.util.List object where each node is a string that specifies the node types.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to retrieve node types.


List getAspectsList()
                    throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Returns the different type of Content Services aspects that can be applied on content.

A java.util.List object where each node is a string that specifies an aspect.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) attempts to retrieve node types.


List getSpaceContents(String storeName,
                      String spaceIDOrPath,
                      Boolean getOnlyFiles)
                      throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Retrieves the contents of the specified space. All files and folders are returned in a CRCResult instance. This method returns a list of all the documents that are present in a space. In contrast, the RetrieveContent method gets a specified node.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is moved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
spaceIDOrPath - The fully qualified node name of the content that is retrieved (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
onlyFiles - A Boolean value that specifies whether only files are retrieved. This value is a mandatory parameter.
A java.util.List object where each node is a CRCResult object that contains content.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to retrieve content.


List getVersionHistory(String storeName,
                       String spaceIDOrPath,
                       Boolean isAscending)
                       throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Retrieves the version history of a node. List of versions are returned in a NodeVersion instance. This method returns a list of all the versions of a node.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the node exists for which version history is sought. The allowed store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - The fully qualified node path or Id of the content. (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
isAscending - A Boolean value that specifies if the order of versions is ascending or decending, sorted by created Date.
A java.util.List object where each node is a NodeVersion object that contains version information.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to retrieve content.


Map checkOut(String storeName,
             List nodeIDsOrPaths,
             String destinationNodeOrPath)
             throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Checks out a given list of content nodes List of versions are returned in a NodeVersion instance. This method returns a list of all the versions of a node.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the node exists. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDsOrPaths - A list of fully qualified path(s) or Id(s) of the content(s) (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
destinationNodeOrPath - Destination folder where the contents will be checked out.If null,the checked out node will be placed in the same space as original node.
A java.util.Map object where each entry contains the checked out copy Id corresponding to original Node Id or Path.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to retrieve content.


Map cancelCheckOut(String storeName,
                   List nodeIDsOrPaths)
                   throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Cancels check out of a given list of content nodes. List of versions are returned in a NodeVersion instance. This method returns a list of all the versions of a node.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is moved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDsOrPaths - A list of fully qualified path(s) or Id(s) of the content(s) (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
A java.util.Map object where each entry contains the original Node corresponding the copy reference on which cancel checkout is performed.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to retrieve content.


Map checkIn(String storeName,
            List nodeIDsOrPaths,
            VersionType versionType,
            Boolean keepCheckedOut,
            Boolean revokePrevious,
            Map versionAttributes)
            throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Performs check-ins with suitable options for a list of nodes. Map containing originalNodeIds corresponding to working copies is returned. This method returns a list of all the versions of a node.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is moved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDsOrPaths - A list of fully qualified path(s) or Id(s) of the content(s) (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
versionType - An VersionType enumeration value that specifies how to handle version information (for example, specify VersionType.MAJOR to increment the major version). This value is a mandatory parameter.
keepCheckedOut - A Boolean value that specifies if the working copy should be kept checked out.
revokePrevious - A Boolean value that specifies if the previous versions of a right protected document need to be revoked. This operation is valid only for MAJOR version changes.
versionAttributes - A java.util.Map object that contains version attributes. Multiple value attributes are supported.
A java.util.Map object where each entry contains the original node corresponding the copy reference on which check- -in is performed.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to retrieve content.


ReadPermissionsResult readPermissions(String storeName,
                                      String nodeIDOrPath)
                                      throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Retrieves access permissions that are applicable to a Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) node.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store from which access permissions are retrieved. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - The fully qualified node name of the content whose permissions are retrieved (for example, /Company Home/MortgageForm.pdf). This value is a mandatory parameter.
A ReadPermissionsResult object that represents permissions.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to retrieve permissions.


void writePermissions(String storeName,
                      String nodeIDOrPath,
                      List accessPermissions,
                      Boolean inheritParentPermissions)
                      throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Sets access permissions that are applicable to a Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) node.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Setting Content Services ES Permissions using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES3.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where access permissions are set. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeIDOrPath - The fully qualified node name of the content whose permissions are set (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory). This value is a mandatory parameter.
accessPermissions - A java.util.List object where each element is a ContentAccessPermission object that represents a permission. This value is a mandatory parameter.
inheritParentPermissions - A Boolean value that specifies whether to inherit permissions from the parent node.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to set permissions.


Boolean importContent(String storeName,
                      String spacePath,
                      String nodeName,
                      Document zipDocument,
                      String nodeEncoding)
                      throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Imports content into a specified Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) space.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where the content is imported. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
spacePath - The fully qualified node name of the space in which content is imported (for example, /Company Home/Test Directory). This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeName - The name of the ZIP file that is added to the Content Services space. This value is a mandatory parameter.
zipDocument - A com.adobe.idp.Document object that represents the content that is imported. This value is a mandatory parameter.
nodeEncoding - A string value that represents the data encoding type (for example, UTF-8). This value is a mandatory parameter.
A Boolean value indicating whether the content is successfully imported.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to import content.


ResultSet searchRepository(String storeName,
                           String basePath,
                           Boolean includeSubDir,
                           Query query,
                           Integer maxSize)
                           throws CSAccessDeniedException,
Searches Content Services for content. Searches are based on a query statement that defines search criteria.

To see this method used in a code example, see the Search Content Services ES2 (Deprecated) content using the Java API quick start in Programming with LiveCycle ES2.

storeName - A string value that specifies the store where a search is performed. The default store is SpacesStore. This value is a mandatory parameter.
basePath - A string value that specifies the path where the search is performed (for example, /Company Home). This value is a mandatory parameter.
includeSubDir - A Boolean value that specifies whether to search sub folders located in the specified path. The value true indicates to search sub folders.
query - A Query object that represents the query statement.
maxSize - An integer value that specifies the maximum value for the return set.
A ResultSet object that contains the search results.
CSAccessDeniedException - If the user does not have permission to access this operation.
CSAuthenticationException - If the user is not authenticated.
CSCommunicationException - If a communication error occurred.
CSInvalidParameterException - If an invalid parameter is specified.
CSInvocationException - If an error occurred while the client application invoked LiveCycle ES2.
ContentServicesException - If an error occurred while Content Services attempts to search for content.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]