Interface BackupService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BackupService

The BackupService interface has methods related to backing up your LiveCycle server. The APIs are:

Field Summary
static String SERVICE_NAME
Method Summary
 BackupModeEntryResult enterBackupMode(String aLabel, int aBackupModeTimeout, boolean aContinuousCoverageMode)
          Enters into new backup mode.
 BackupModeResult leaveBackupMode()
          Leave an existing snapshot backup mode, or leave an existing continuous backup mode session and start a new one.
 BackupModeResult leaveContinuousBackupMode()
          Leave an existing backup mode, even if in continuous backup mode.

Field Detail


static final String SERVICE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


BackupModeEntryResult enterBackupMode(String aLabel,
                                      int aBackupModeTimeout,
                                      boolean aContinuousCoverageMode)
                                      throws BackupException
Enters into new backup mode.

aLabel - A human-readable label for the backup. Spaces in the label may get lost as this string becomes part of the XML file. Avoid spaces or characters which cannot be encoded as XML content.
aBackupModeTimeout - Number of minutes after which the backup mode will be considered invalid. This will not be enforced precisely, but allows the system to resume file deletions if a backup does not complete in a reasonable time period. A value of 0 may be used to indicate no time-out is allowed. The valid range is between 0 and 10080 minutes (1 week). The aBackupModeTimeout does not apply to when in aContinuousCoverageMode. In aContinuousCoverageMode, it is assumed that continuous recovery coverage is desired and any resumption of unmanaged deletions would defeat the purpose of the backup mode.
aContinuousCoverageMode - If true, then system will re-enter into new backup mode with the same parameters, after leaving the current backup session. If false, the system will revert to normal file deletion behavior. aContinuousCoveragee may be used to implement point-in-time recovery procedures.
BackupModeEntryResult representing the backup mode. Null is returned if not in backup mode.
BackupException - BackupException is thrown if:
  • input is not valid, or
  • if the back-end document management system cannot enter into the backup mode.


BackupModeResult leaveBackupMode()
                                 throws BackupException
Leave an existing snapshot backup mode, or leave an existing continuous backup mode session and start a new one.

BackupModeResult with methods to get the backup information. Null is returned if not in backup mode.
BackupException - BackupException is thrown if back-end document management system cannot leave the backup mode.


BackupModeResult leaveContinuousBackupMode()
                                           throws BackupException
Leave an existing backup mode, even if in continuous backup mode. Use with caution: if continuous backup mode is interrupted, continuity of backup coverage cannot be re-established for the time the backup mode was off.

BackupModeResult with methods to retrieve the backup information. Null is returned, if the method is called when no backup mode is active.
BackupException - BackupException is thrown if the back-end document management system cannot leave the backup mode.

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