7.3 Installing JDK

7.3.1 Install JDK

Depending on your operating system, obtain and install the Oracle JRockit® or Oracle JAVA for your operating system. For information on the supported version, see Supported Platform Combinations.

The JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables must point to the JDK on the server where LiveCycle will be deployed.

7.3.2 Set the JAVA_HOME environment (Windows)

  1. Select Start > Control Panel > System.

  2. Click the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.

  3. In the System Variables area, click New.

  4. Enter JAVA_HOME as the variable name and the directory where you installed the Java SDK. This directory is where WebLogic installed the Java SDK that contains the /bin subdirectory. For example, type this text:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-jdk1.6.0_24-R28.1.3-4.0.1

Note: If you are using PDF Generator to convert OpenOffice.org files, you must set the JAVA_HOME_32 environment variable to point to the directory where the Sun JDK is installed. Download the Sun JDK from http://www.java.sun.com.

7.3.3 Set the PATH environment variable (Windows)

  1. Select Start > Control Panel > System.

  2. Click the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.

  3. In the System Variables area, select the PATH variable and then click Edit.

  4. Append the following text to the beginning of the variable value:

Note: Verify that the last entry of the PATH environment variable has no trailing slash ( \) otherwise the WebLogic server instance will fail on start-up. Remove the slash if it exists and save your modification.

7.3.4 Set the JAVA_HOME environment (Linux and Solaris)

Set the JAVA_HOME variable for Bourne and Bash shells as shown in this example:


        export JAVA_HOME


        export JAVA_HOME
Note: The specific path varies based on the installation directory you specified and the operating system you are installing on.
Note: You must set the JAVA_HOME_32 environment variable if you are using PDF Generator to convert Open Office files on a WebLogic Server 11g environment.

7.3.5 Set the PATH environment variable (Linux and Solaris)

Set the PATH variable for Bourne and Bash shells as shown in this example:

        export PATH

7.3.6 Verify JAVA_HOME environment variable

(Optional) Open a command prompt and run the following command:

java -version

The command returns the Java version installed on your system.

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