7.2 Installing WebLogic Server

Obtain Oracle WebLogic Server for your operating system and install it according to the manufacturer’s documentation (see http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/wls.htm).

Note: You must install and run WebLogic Server by using a user account that has computer administrator privileges.

7.2.1 Configuring WebLogic 11g R1 on Solaris (64-bit Java)

Additional steps need to be performed while installing WebLogic to use 64-bit Java on Solaris.

  1. Run the WebLogic installer using the -D64 flag.

  2. From a new command prompt, navigate to [appserver_root]/server/bin directory

  3. Type export JAVA_OPTIONS=-D64.

  4. Start Node Manager by using the script; type startNodeManager.sh.

Note: You must start the WebLogic Administration Server using 64-bit Java. Before starting the WebLogic Administration server using startWeblogic.sh script, ensure that JAVA_OPTIONS=-D64 is set in the environment.

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