Key features

Data Services ES3 provides the following set of services that you can use to securely access, transmit, display, and update data:

Message Service:
Use a client-side API and a corresponding server-side Message Service to create Flex messaging applications.

RPC services:
Access data through HTTP GET or POST (HTTP services), SOAP (web services), or Java objects (remote object services).

Data Management Service:
Build applications that provide data synchronization, data replication, and occasionally connected application services. Data Management Service supports paged data, which lets you manage large result sets by returning subsets of data, called pages, to the Flex client application.

Conflict resolution:
Data Management Service tracks the original state of the object so that it can accurately detect conflicts and provide an API for programmers to use to resolve them.

PDF creation:
Build a Flex application that can generate a PDF document that includes static images or dynamic or static data.

Restrict access to a privileged group of users by applying a security constraint in a destination definition.

Flex-Ajax Bridge:
Expose a Flex application or component to scripting in a web browser.

Ajax Data Services:
Lets Ajax developers access the messaging and data management capabilities of Data Services directly from JavaScript.

Offline data caching:
Lets you cache client data requests and data changes to the local file system for later retrieval when an application resumes.

Real-time Quality of Service:
Lets Flex clients select custom, data-access policies for real-time data.

Open adapter architecture:
Data Management Service lets you retrieve data by using a variety of mechanisms. Data Services includes adapters for JMS, Hibernate, Java, SQL, and ActionScript.

Java 1.5 enumeration support:
Enumerated types are serialized to string values in ActionScript by default.

The following features are integrated with Foundation:

LiveCycle Remoting:
Invokes services through the Flex RemoteObject tag.

Redirects service traffic from different domains. Provides client authentication, whitelists of permitted URLs, server-side logging, localization support, and centralized management of LiveCycle Remoting.

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