How Data Services works

Data Services is a J2EE web application that you can deploy on a variety of J2EE application servers and servlet containers.

Data Management Service, Message Service, and the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services are all built on a core messaging infrastructure. Data Services uses the messaging infrastructure and the Action Message Format (AMF) protocol to ensure optimum performance. You can also use other protocols, such as HTTP and Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP).

Data Services uses XML configuration files to manage channels, destinations, message topics, message queues, and other settings. Data Services also provides run-time configuration. Server configuration can also be defined programmatically, which improves the ease of integrating existing code into a Data Services application.

The Flex framework provides MXML and ActionScript APIs that let you use Data Services in your applications. With Data Management Service, multiple clients are automatically synchronized when they retrieve data from the same destination. With Message Service, you can create applications that act as producers, consumers, or both. Data Services client applications use channels and destinations that are declared on the Data Services server instance. They can also use dynamic configuration to create destinations at run time.

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