.applicationThe .application class specifies overall
style properties for a Guide.
.buttonsThe .buttons class defines the style properties
for button objects.
.fieldhelpThe .fieldhelp class specifies properties
for field level help in a Guide.
.guideThe .guide class specifies style properties
for the top-level layer of the Guide application in the Guide layout
.guidehelpThe .guidehelp class specifies properties
for Guide-level help on a Guide.
.layoutobjectsThe .layoutobjects class defines the margins
around an object within a panel layout.
.layoutrepeaterobjectsThe .layoutrepeaterobjects class defines
the margins around an object within a repeating panel layout.
.logoThe .logo class controls the space reserved
for a logo graphic.
.navigationbaseThe .navigationbase class specifies that
area that surrounds the navigation buttons.
.navigationlevel1The .navigationlevel1 class specifies
properties for the first level navigation heading.
.navigationlevel2The .navigationlevel2 class specifies
properties for the second-level navigation heading.
.navigationlevel3The .navigationlevel3 class specifies
properties for the third level navigation heading.
.navigationlevel4The .navigationlevel4 class specifies
properties for the fourth level navigation heading.
.navigationlevel5The .navigationlevel5 class specifies
properties for the fifth level navigation heading.
.navigationOverThe .navigationOver class specifies the
border color that is used when the Guide filler moves the pointer
over a navigation control.
Default value
#3366CC, #3366CC
.navigationSelectedThe .navigationSelected class specifies
the background color that is used when the Guide filler selects
a navigation control.
Default value
#3366CC, #3366CC
.panelcaptionThe .panelcaption class defines the text
attributes of field captions in a panel.
.paneldataThe .paneldata class defines the properties
for the area of a panel layout that displays Guide objects and data.
.panelhelpThe .panelhelp class specifies a background
color for the help that appears in the data entry panel.
.panelitemThe .panelitem class specifies style properties
for Guide fields.
.panelnavThe .panelnav class defines the colors
for the controls in the navigation panel, such as accordions or
.paneltextThe .paneltext class defines text attributes
of the panel text.
.progressbarThe .progressbar class defines the background
colors of the progress bar.
.repeaterThe .repeater class defines the background
colors of the repeater components.
.videocontrolThe .videocontrol class controls the color
of the background and of text.
ComboBoxThe ComboBox class specifies the default
styles for all drop-down lists in a Guide.
DateFieldThe DateField class specifies the default
formatting for all date fields in a Guide.
GAIconThe GAIcon class specifies the format
for the logo in a Guide.
LabelThe Label class specifies the format for
static text in a Guide.
Default value
RadioButtonThe RadioButton class specifies formatting
for all radio buttons used in a Guide.
TextInputThe TextInput class specifies the format
for all text fields used in a Guide.
TextInputMaskThe TextInputMask class specifies the
style properties of the mask input comb field. It provides visual
cues to the Guide filler, to enable guided data entry. For example,
a postal code field displays as a field with six cells.
TextInputSymbolThe TextInputSymbol class specifies the
format for currency symbols that are used in a Guide.