alphaThe alpha property specifies the transparency
of the color of text on a button.
backgroundAlphaThe backgroundAlpha property specifies
the transparency of the background color.
backgroundColorThe backgroundColor property specifies
the Guide background color.
SyntaxbackgroundColor="color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent"
backgroundGradientColorsThe backgroundGradientColors property
specifies the two color extremes of the background color gradient.
SyntaxbackgroundGradientColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
barColorThe barColor property specifies the color
of the progress bar.
SyntaxbarColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
basewrapperThe basewrapper property specifies the
name of the Guide layout.
Syntaxbasewrapper="[Guide layout name]"
borderAlphaThe borderAlpha property specifies the
standard Flex style for a panel.
borderColorThe borderColor property specifies the
color of the border around field help.
SyntaxborderColor="color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent"
borderStyleThe borderStyle property specifies the
required default border value used by the supplied layouts.
cellColorThe cellColor property specifies the style
attribute for the TextInputMask.
SyntaxcellColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
colorThe color property specifies the color
to use for text in the Guide help.
Syntaxcolor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
cornerRadiusThe cornerRadius property specifies the
roundness of the panel border.
dropShadowEnabledThe dropShadowEnabled property specifies
whether to add a drop shadow effect to field help.
SyntaxdropShadowEnabled="true | false"
fillAlphasThe fillAlphas property specifies the
transparency of the gradient colors defined by the fillColors property.
fillColorsThe fillColors property specifies the
two color extremes of the color gradient to use for button color.
SyntaxfillColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
fontFamilyThe fontFamily property specifies the
font typeface.
SyntaxfontFamily="[font name]"
fontSizeThe fontSize property specifies the font
fontStyleThe fontStyle property specifies whether
to use italicized font.
SyntaxfontStyle="normal | italic"
fontWeightThe fontWeight property specifies whether
to use bold.
SyntaxfontWeight="normal | bold"
gradientColorsThe gradientColors property specifies
two colors for the Guide container. Guides use the two colors to
create a gradient fill.
SyntaxgradientColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
headerAlphasThe headerAlphas property controls the
transparency of the title area.
headerColorsThe headerColors property specifies the
color of the Guide help title area.
SyntaxheaderColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
headerHeightThe headerHeight property specifies title
bar size for panel areas (auto defined).
horizontalAlignThe horizontalAlign property specifies
the standard Flex style for most containers.
iconColorsThe iconColors property specifies a pair
of fill colors for the icon component. The icon component consists
of a sphere with a gradient fill and the letter “i” in the middle.
The icon component is used for the information icon.
SyntaxiconColors="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
iconTextColorThe iconTextColor property specifies the
color of the text inside the gradient sphere of the icon component.
SyntaxiconTextColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
paddingBottomThe paddingBottom property specifies the
border around the bottom edge of the Guide.
paddingLeftThe paddingLeft property specifies the
border around the left edge of the Guide.
paddingRightThe paddingRight property specifies the
border around the right edge of the Guide.
paddingTopThe paddingTop property specifies the
border around the top edge of the Guide.
prefixBackgroundColorThe prefixBackgroundColor property specifies
the background color of the prefix area of the TextInputSymbol component.
SyntaxprefixBackgroundColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
prefixColorThe prefixColor property specifies the
color of the text inside the prefix area of the TextInputSybmol
SyntaxprefixColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
rollOverColorThe rollOverColor property specifies the
border color that is used when the Guide filler moves the pointer
over a navigation control.
SyntaxrollOverColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
roundedBottomCornersThe roundedBottomCorners property specifies
whether the panel border is rounded.
SyntaxroundedBottomCorners="true | false"
selectionColorThe selectionColor property specifies
the background color that is used when the Guide filler selects
a navigation control.
SyntaxselectionColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
suffixBackgroundColorThe suffixBackgroundColor property specifies
the background color of the suffix area of the TextInputSymbol component.
SyntaxsuffixBackgroundColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
suffixColorThe suffixColor property specifies the
color of the text inside the suffix area of the TextInputSybmol
SyntaxsuffixColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
textDecorationThe textDecoration property specifies
whether to use font underlining.
SyntaxtextDecoration="normal | underline"
textRollOverColorThe textRollOverColer property specifies
the text color that is used when a Guide filler moves the pointer
moves over a navigation control.
SyntaxtextRollOverColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
textSelectedColorThe textSelectedColor property specifies
the text color of an element of a component when the element is
SyntaxtextSelectedColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
themeColorThe themeColor property specifies the
theme color to use for buttons on a Guide.
SyntaxthemeColor="[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent],
[color-name | color-rgb | color-hex | transparent]"
versionThe version property specifies the version
of the CSS file.
Note: This property is for information purposes only.
Syntaxversion="[version number]"