you want to provide users with a way to enter textual data, add
text fields to the form. Text fields enable users to type, select,
edit, cut, copy, paste, and delete any of the text inside the field.
Text fields can accept one or more lines of wrapping text and
support enhanced formatting capabilities. For example, text fields
can display blocks of text in different typefaces and colors. Text
can be stored and retrieved as plain text or XHTML. If required,
the data in a text field can be formatted and displayed according
to predefined patterns.
After you add a text field to the form design, you can edit the
caption text and manipulate the object’s properties in the Field,
Value, and Binding tabs of the Object palette. You can define these
Change the caption for the field. (See Formatting captions.)
Set a border style for the field. (See To set the border style.)
Define the field as visible, invisible, or hidden. (See Making objects visible, invisible, or hidden.)
Specify a locale for the field. (See To specify a locale (language and country or region) for an object.)
Specify the comb format for the field.
Enable or disable multiple lines of text.
Enable or disable the field to be filled with rich-formatted
Limit the number of characters in the field.
Allow page breaks within the content of the field.
Keep a text field object with the next object in the document
when a page break is introduced.
Define the display pattern.
Define the edit pattern.
Specify an initial value to display.
Define a run-time property (for example, insert the page
Define the validation pattern.
Choose whether the field will support plain text or XHTML.
Specify a data-binding pattern.
Specify a binding method for storing and retrieving bound
Text fields support scripting and calculations. If a user is
to supply data, you can define whether the input is recommended
or required, and you can set up messages to prompt users appropriately.
All user input may be validated through scripting.
To allow multiple lines of text in text fields In the Object palette, click
the Field tab and select Allow Multiple Lines.
To limit the number of characters in text fieldsYou can limit the number of characters
in text fields in one of two ways:
To specify the number of characters in text fieldsIn the Object palette, click the Field tab.
Select the Limit Length and, in the Max Chars box, type the
maximum number of characters that users will be permitted to enter
into the text field.
To limit the number of characters to the width of text fields In the Object palette, click the Field tab and
select Limit Length to Visible Area.
Allowing page breaks within a text fieldThe Allow Page Break
Within Content option is enabled by default for a text field if
the parent subform allows page breaks.
Here are a few things to consider when allowing page breaks within
a text field:
The Allow Page Break Within Content option is available
only if the parent object allows page breaks.
The caption text of a text field object will not break between
pages when Top or Bottom is selected for the position for the caption
in the Field tab of the Object palette.
Page breaks are not supported in rotated text field objects.
A page break is not allowed when an object that can accept
a page break is positioned beside an object that cannot.
To allow page breaks within a text field In the Object palette, click the Field tab and
select Allow Page Breaks Within Content.
To keep a text field with the next object in the formThe Keep with
Next option is enabled for a text field if the parent object allows page
breaks and is a flowed container.
The Keep With Next option is disabled for floating fields. Instead,
select the Keep With Next option of the text field object referencing
the floating field.
In the Object palette, click the Field tab and select
Keep With Next.
To enable the field to be filled with rich-formatted textBy
default, a text field is set to display and capture plain text.
In this case, if the data value associated with the text field includes
text formatting information, the formatting is ignored and the data
value is displayed as plain text. You can set it so that any rich-text
formatting of the data is preserved.
In the Object palette, click the Field tab and select
Rich Text from the Field Format list.
To define the behavior of the fieldIn the Object palette, click the Value tab and,
in the Type list, select one of these options:
allow users to choose whether to enter data, select User Entered
- Optional.
To prompt users to enter data and make the field recommended,
select User Entered - Recommended and type a custom message in the
Empty Message box.
To prompt users to enter data and make the field required,
select User Entered - Required and type a custom message in the
Empty Message box.
To make the field read only and display a data value that
is calculated and displayed through an attached script, select Calculated
- Read Only. Users cannot edit the calculated value.
To make the field editable and display a data value that
is calculated and displayed through an attached script, select Calculated
- User Can Override. Users can edit the value if the calculation
script has been written to accept the input. If a user does edit
the calculated value, the custom message you specify in the Override
Message box appears.
To make the field read only and display a data value that
is merged or calculated and displayed at run time, select Read Only.
Users cannot edit the value.
If the value is recommended or required, type a prompt in
the Empty Message box.
If the value will be calculated, attach the calculation script
to the object by using the Script Editor.
(Optional) If a calculated value can be overridden, type
a message in the Override Message box.
To define custom data-binding properties for text fieldsBinding
options enable you to build a form that captures data for enterprise infrastructures
and/or use an external data source to populate a form at run time. Set
data-binding properties in the Binding tab of the Object palette.
Select the text field.
Enable the form to connect to the data source when the form
is opened.
Bind the field to its corresponding data node. For information
about how to bind objects to a data source, see Binding fields to a data source.
To specify the data format for text fieldsText fields
can save data in plain text only or with XHTML text formatting information
included as part of the value. The default is plain text. If you
change the data format to XHTML, the Rich Text option in the Field
Format list in the Field tab of the Object palette is automatically
Select the text field object.
In the Object palette, click the Field tab.
Select the appropriate format from the Field Format list.
To specify the comb format for text fieldsUse the comb
format when you want to separate characters and numbers added to
text fields by border lines.
In the Object palette, click the Field tab.
Select Comb of Characters to includes border lines that separate
each character within the text field.
Enter the number of characters that will be separated by
border lines within the text field.