Server side logging

The Correspondence Management solution produces the following server side logs:

For invocations via remoting, such as CRUD operations

For invocations over Data Services, such as Search operations

Note: <CRX_HOME> is the deployed Quickstart directory.
Various Building Blocks included in the solution log their server side messages in the error.log file. Given that there are other (platform specific) log messages in this file, here is how one can filter/search the messages from each Building Block:
  • Asset Composer (ACM): Look out for messages with the prefix "com.adobe.livecycle.acm", which is the Symoblic Name of the ACM OSGi bundle.

  • Data Dictionary (DCT): Look out for messages with the prefix "com.adobe.dct", which is the Symoblic Name of the DCT OSGi bundle.

  • Expression Manager (EXM): Look out for messages with the prefix "adobe-exm-expeval", which is the Symoblic Name of the EXM OSGi bundle.

// Ethnio survey code removed