Configuring log files

Depending on your requirements, you can create a separate log file for a given component in order to isolate the messages logged by it. To do so, perform the following tasks:
  1. Navigate to CRX DE Lite, for your server, typically it is http://<server>:<port>/crxde.

  2. If you do not have a configuration folder create one for your project such as: /apps/<component-name>/config

  3. Under /apps/<component-name>/config, create a node for the new Logger Configuration as follows:
    Name:<identifier> (as this is a Logger) 
       where <identifier> is replaced by free text that you (must) enter to identify the instance (you cannot omit this information). For example, 
    Type: sling:OsgiConfig
  4. Set the following properties on the above Logger node:

    Type: String 
    Value: specify the Log File; for example, ../logs/assetcomposer.log
    Type: String[] (String + Multi) 
    Value: specify the OSGi services for which the Logger is to log messages; 
  5. Configure the other parameters as required:
    Type: String 
    Value: specify the pattern of the log message as required 
    For example : {0,date,dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} *{4}* [{2}] {3} {5}
  6. Your node structure and properties should be similar to:

  7. Click Save All in CRX DE Lite, and your changes will take effect immediately.

// Ethnio survey code removed