Edit login-config.xml file

  1. Open the [appserver root]/server/lc_mysql/conf/login-config.xml file in a text editor and modify the following code within the <policy> element:

    <application-policy name="MySqlDbRealm"> 
            code="org.jboss.resource.security.SecureIdentityLoginModule" flag  
            = "required"> 
            <module-option name="principal">adobe</module-option> 
            <module-option name="userName">adobe</module-option> 
            <module-option name="password">adobe</module-option> 
            name=Default DS </module-option> 
  2. Replace the bold text (for parameters principal,userName and password) with values that are specific to your database so that the application server can access your database.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Start JBoss.

// Ethnio survey code removed