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Hypertext commands

Add hypertext commands in Adobe FrameMaker and define active hyperlink areas.

A hypertext command in an Adobe FrameMaker document defines an active area in a document. If a user clicks on the active area in a view-only FrameMaker document or an output such as PDF or HTML, the associated hypertext command is executed.

You can create a hypertext command in a document to provide inter-activity to the reader. See Add hypertext commands to documents.

You can use hypertext commands to perform tasks such as opening a web page, displaying an alert, go to a specific pages (first, last, page number) in the current document, open and close external applications. See Available hypertext commands.

You can then save your document as view-only, PDF or publish the document using the FrameMaker multi-channel publishing solution.

Note: Hypertext commands work differently in PDF and HTML output. See topic_hypertext-commands.html#topic_pdf-html-hypertext-command-support.

You can use hypertext commands in images added to a FrameMaker to topic_hypertext-commands.html#WS352b2f8e7566887c52502bf11475c673ca0-8000 that defines multiple clickable areas in a single image.