Learn how to export Adobe FrameMaker documents, structured FrameMaker documents, DITA, and any other XML-based content to XLIFF for translation.
To export your document to XLIFF, perform the following steps:
Open the document that you want to export.
.Depending upon the type of document you are exporting, one of the following dialogs will appear.
The following dialog appears when you are exporting an FrameMaker book or document.
The following dialog appears when you are exporting a structured map or topic.
In the XLIFF Export Settings dialog, configure the translation settings:
By default, the name of the source file is used to create the package ZIP. The package file contains the converted XLIFF files. You can change the filename and location by clicking the browse icon.
All settings in the XLIFF Export Settings dialog are saved in a .xts file. This file can then be reused for subsequent translation projects.
Select an existing XLIFF Translation Settings (XTS) file to use or use the default settings file available at the following location:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe FrameMaker 2022\Translation\XLIFF\config\default.xts
For more information about configuring XTS file, see Advanced configurations for XLIFF conversion.
Select the source language of your document that you are converting.
A Skeleton file is the original source document, embedded or linked in the XLIFF header. This helps to ensure that the file can be converted back after translation. Embedding is recommended, so that the XLIFF file can always be converted back even if the original files are lost.
Segmentation is a process of breaking down content into smaller translatable segments. Segmentation is used to split a longer text passage, such as a paragraph consisting of multiple sentences, into multiple segments to get smaller, and therefore better reusable translation units. You can define rules to create segments at a sentence, paragraph, or a phrase level. Use this option to apply the segmentation rules defined in the SRX in your XTS configuration file.
The following additional settings are available when exporting FrameMaker or custom structured (non-DITA) documents:
Select this option to include text from the reference pages.
Select this option to include text from the master pages.
Select this option to include conditional text that is currently hidden in the document.
If you have text insets, you can select this option to include the text of those insets, which are copied into the document. This does not include the referenced text insets.
Select this option to include document information or metadata.
Choose the variable formats that you want to include. You can choose to omit all formats, include all formats, or include only those variable formats that are used in the document.
Choose the cross-reference formats that you want to include. You can choose to omit all formats, include all formats, or include only those cross-reference formats that are used in the document.
Select this option to include any external cross-reference that you have used in your document.
Choose the numbering styles that you want to include. You can choose to omit all numbering styles, include all numbering styles, or include only those numbering styles that are used in the document.
Select this option to include the prefix or suffix rules that you have used in your structured documents.
Select this option to remove discretionary hyphens that you have added manually to enforce a certain hyphenation. These discretionary hyphens usually are interpreted differently in different languages.
Select this option to split index markers with multiple levels or multiple index entries into separated segments and translation units.
Select this option to move all index markers from the respective word/phrase to the beginning of the paragraph.
You should only use this option if you have index marker with index entries. Do not use this option if you are using empty index markers, as the index generation depends on the position of the index marker in front of a word/phrase.
Choose how to process soft returns in your content. You can choose to process them as line feed characters, inline tags, or segmenting hard returns.
Click Export.
FrameMaker now converts the documents into XLIFF and creates the translation package (ZIP). On completion of the process, FrameMaker displays the XLIFF Conversion Report.