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Advanced configurations for XLIFF conversion

Learn how to configure settings for XLIFF conversion process.

The default XLIFF conversion settings are good for most of the basic translation jobs. However, as an advanced user, you can configure and customize settings relevant to your translation job by making changes in the configuration files. The translation configuration files are bundled in the XLIFF Translation Settings (.xts) file. You need to take the default settings file, make changes to it, and then use the updated file for the conversion process.

To extract the configuration files from the default (.xts) settings file, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the XLIFF Export Settings dialog to configure your basic settings.

  2. Click Save Settings in the XLIFF Export Settings dialog and save the settings file.

  3. Rename the settings file extension from.xts to .zip.

  4. Use any archiving tool, which can handle ZIP files, and extract the contents of your settings file.

    The following screenshot displays the extracted contents of the default .xts file:

    Figure 1. Contents of the XTS file

    The XLIFF configuration files are explained below:

    The dita folder contains the Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) rules for DITA 1.3 to XLIFF 1.2 conversion. You need to define your rules in the itsrules_overrides.xml file.
    Note: You will also find an itsrules.xml file in the same folder. It is recommended not to make any changes in the itsrules.xml file. Changes in the itsrules_overrides.xml file get higher priority and override rules defined in the itsrules.xml file.
    The mif folder contains the ITS rules for MIF 2022 to XLIFF 1.2 conversion. You need to define your rules in the itsrules_overrides.xml file.
    Note: You will also find an itsrules.xml file in the same folder. It is recommended not to make any changes in the itsrules.xml file. Changes in the itsrules_overrides.xml file get higher priority and override rules defined in the itsrules.xml file.
    The xml folder contains the ITS rules for custom XML to XLIFF 1.2 conversion. You need to define your rules in the itsrules.xml file.
    The srx folder contains the Segmentation Rules eXchange (SRX) file. Use the srxrules.xml file to defines segmentation rules for XLIFF 1.2 content.
    The catalog.xml file contains redirects DocTypes (DTD) und public IDs (RelaxNG) to its XSD representation. If you are using specialized DITA, then you need to add a mapping for your DTD/RelaxNG and their XSD.
    The root_catalog.xml file contains the path to the default DITA 1.3 implementation shipped out-of-the-box in FrameMaker. The default path points to <FrameMaker_Install_Location>\fminit\ditafm\ditaot location. If your DTD/RelaxNG/XSD are available at a different location, then you must update the path in this file.
    The xliffsettings.xml file contains the settings configured through the XLIFF Export Settings dialog.
  5. Once you have made changes to the settings file, use any archiving utility to package all files into a ZIP file.

  6. Change the .zip extension to .xts.

Your updated settings file is now ready. Specify the path of this file in the XTS File location setting in the XLIFF Export Settings dialog.