Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Content models for learning and training package > M elements

M elements

Content models for elements beginning with "m".

Content models for <mainbooktitle>

In this document type <mainbooktitle> contains
Bookmap (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeph> | <filepath> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <markupname> | <menucascade> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <option> | <overline> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <ph> | <q> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <synph> | <systemoutput> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
Learning bookmap (text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u>)*
In this document type <mainbooktitle> is contained by
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <booktitle>

Content models for <maintainer>

In this document type <maintainer> contains
Bookmap, Learning bookmap (<organization> | <person>)*, (<data> | <sort-as>)*
In this document type <maintainer> is contained by
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <bookid>

Content models for <map>

In this document type <map> contains
Base map, Bookmap <title>?, <topicmeta>?, (<anchor> | <anchorref> | <data> | <data-about> | <ditavalref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <navref> | <reltable> | <sort-as> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref>)*
Classify map <title>?, <topicmeta>?, (<anchor> | <anchorref> | <data> | <data-about> | <ditavalref> | <glossref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <navref> | <reltable> | <sort-as> | <topicSubjectTable> | <topicapply> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref> | <topicsubject>)*
Learning bookmap, Learning map <title>?, <topicmeta>?, (<anchor> | <anchorref> | <data> | <data-about> | <ditavalref> | <keydef> | <learningGroup> | <learningGroupMapRef> | <learningObject> | <learningObjectMapRef> | <mapref> | <navref> | <reltable> | <sort-as> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref>)*
Learning group map, Learning object map <title>?, <topicmeta>?, (<anchor> | <data> | <data-about> | <ditavalref> | <keydef> | <learningGroup> | <learningGroupMapRef> | <learningObject> | <learningObjectMapRef> | <mapref> | <navref> | <reltable> | <sort-as> | <topicgroup>)*
Map (technical content) <title>?, <topicmeta>?, (<anchor> | <anchorref> | <data> | <data-about> | <ditavalref> | <glossref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <navref> | <reltable> | <sort-as> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref>)*
Subject scheme <title>?, <topicmeta>?, (<anchor> | <anchorref> | <data> | <data-about> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <navref> | <reltable> | <sort-as> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref>)*
In this document type <map> is contained by
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content), Subject scheme, Learning bookmap, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map <foreign>, <required-cleanup>, <unknown>

Content models for <mapref>

In this document type <mapref> contains
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content), Subject scheme, Learning bookmap, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map <topicmeta>?, (<data> | <data-about> | <sort-as>)*
In this document type <mapref> is contained by
Base map, Map (technical content), Learning map <anchorref>, <keydef>, <map>, <relcell>, <relcolspec>, <topicgroup>, <topichead>, <topicref>, <topicset>, <topicsetref>
Bookmap, Learning bookmap Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <appendix>, <backmatter>, <chapter>, <draftintro>, <frontmatter>, <glossarylist>, <notices>, <part>, <preface>
Classify map Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <subjectCell>, <topicCell>, <topicapply>, <topicsubject>
Subject scheme Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <hasInstance>, <hasKind>, <hasNarrower>, <hasPart>, <hasRelated>, <relatedSubjects>, <subjectHead>, <subjectRole>, <subjectScheme>, <subjectdef>
Learning group map Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <learningGroupMap>
Learning object map Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <learningObjectMap>

Content models for <markupname>

In this document type <markupname> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting (text data | <draft-comment> | <required-cleanup> | <text>)*
In this document type <markupname> is contained by
Classify map, Map (technical content) <alt>, <author>, <b>, <brand>, <category>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <delim>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <featnum>, <figgroup>, <filepath>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <keywords>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linktext>, <lq>, <msgblock>, <msgph>, <navtitle>, <note>, <oper>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <pt>, <publisher>, <q>, <repsep>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <sep>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <sort-as>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <systemoutput>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <uicontrol>, <userinput>, <var>, <xref>
Concept, Topic (technical content) <abstract>, <alt>, <author>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <brand>, <category>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <delim>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <equation-block>, <equation-inline>, <example>, <featnum>, <figgroup>, <filepath>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <keywords>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <msgblock>, <msgph>, <navtitle>, <note>, <oper>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <pt>, <publisher>, <q>, <repsep>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <sep>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <sort-as>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <systemoutput>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <uicontrol>, <userinput>, <var>, <xref>
Bookmap Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <addressdetails>, <administrativearea>, <booklibrary>, <booknumber>, <bookpartno>, <booktitlealt>, <contactnumber>, <country>, <day>, <edition>, <emailaddress>, <firstname>, <generationidentifier>, <honorific>, <isbn>, <lastname>, <locality>, <localityname>, <mainbooktitle>, <middlename>, <month>, <organization>, <organizationname>, <otherinfo>, <person>, <postalcode>, <printlocation>, <revisionid>, <summary>, <thoroughfare>, <url>, <volume>, <year>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <glossAbbreviation>, <glossAcronym>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossShortForm>, <glossSurfaceForm>, <glossSynonym>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <glossAbbreviation>, <glossAcronym>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossShortForm>, <glossSurfaceForm>, <glossSynonym>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <responsibleParty>

Content models for <mathml>

In this document type <mathml> contains
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting (m:math | <data> | <data-about> | <mathmlref> | <sort-as>)*
In this document type <mathml> is contained by
Topic (technical content) <abstract>, <alt>, <author>, <b>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <brand>, <category>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <delim>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <equation-block>, <equation-figure>, <equation-inline>, <example>, <featnum>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <filepath>, <fn>, <fragref>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <metadata>, <msgblock>, <msgph>, <navtitle>, <note>, <object>, <oper>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <prolog>, <pt>, <publisher>, <q>, <repsep>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <sep>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <systemoutput>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <uicontrol>, <userinput>, <var>, <xref>
Concept Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <conbody>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <cause>, <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <conbody>, <condition>, <context>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refbody>, <refbodydiv>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <conbody>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refbody>, <refbodydiv>, <refsyn>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <cause>, <condition>, <responsibleParty>

Content models for <mathmlref>

In this document type <mathmlref> contains
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting EMPTY
In this document type <mathmlref> is contained by
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <mathml>

Content models for <menucascade>

In this document type <menucascade> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <uicontrol>+
In this document type <menucascade> is contained by
Classify map, Map (technical content) <alt>, <b>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <consequence>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linktext>, <lq>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <pre>, <pt>, <q>, <screen>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <xref>
Concept, Topic (technical content) <abstract>, <alt>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <consequence>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <equation-block>, <equation-inline>, <equation-number>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <pre>, <pt>, <q>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <xref>
Bookmap Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <booklibrary>, <booktitlealt>, <mainbooktitle>, <organizationname>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>
Machinery task <abstract>, <alt>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cite>, <cmd>, <consequence>, <context>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <esttime>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <indexterm>, <info>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <perscat>, <perskill>, <personnel>, <ph>, <postreq>, <pre>, <prereq>, <q>, <reqcond>, <reqcontp>, <result>, <safecond>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <source>, <spare>, <stentry>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <sub>, <sup>, <supequi>, <supply>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <title>, <tt>, <tutorialinfo>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <xref>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <responsibleParty>

Content models for <messagepanel>

In this document type <messagepanel> contains
Base map, Base topic, Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Subject scheme, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting, Learning bookmap, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map (<data> | <data-about> | <sort-as>)*, <typeofhazard>, <consequence>*, <howtoavoid>+
In this document type <messagepanel> is contained by
Base map, Base topic, Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Map (technical content), Reference, Subject scheme, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting, Learning bookmap, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map <hazardstatement>

Content models for <metadata>

In this document type <metadata> contains
Base map, Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content), Learning bookmap, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map <audience>*, <category>*, (<exportanchors> | <keywords>)*, <prodinfo>*, <othermeta>*, (<data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <sort-as> | <unknown>)*
Base topic, Subject scheme, Learning assessment, Learning content, Learning overview, Learning plan, Learning summary <audience>*, <category>*, <keywords>*, <prodinfo>*, <othermeta>*, (<data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <sort-as> | <unknown>)*
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <audience>*, <category>*, <keywords>*, <prodinfo>*, <othermeta>*, (<data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <mathml> | <sort-as> | <svg-container> | <unknown>)*
Machinery task <audience>*, <category>*, <keywords>*, <prodinfo>*, <othermeta>*, (<data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <sort-as> | <svg-container> | <unknown>)*
In this document type <metadata> is contained by
Base map, Classify map, Map (technical content), Subject scheme, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map <topicmeta>
Base topic, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Machinery task, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting, Learning assessment, Learning content, Learning overview, Learning plan, Learning summary <prolog>
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <bookmeta>, <topicmeta>

Content models for <middlename>

In this document type <middlename> contains
Bookmap (text data | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <text> | <textentity> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
Learning bookmap (text data | <keyword> | <text>)*
In this document type <middlename> is contained by
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <personname>

Content models for <month>

In this document type <month> contains
Bookmap (text data | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <text> | <textentity> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
Learning bookmap (text data | <keyword> | <text>)*
In this document type <month> is contained by
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <completed>, <started>

Content models for <msgblock>

In this document type <msgblock> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <sort-as> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <unknown> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <sort-as> | <svg-container> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <unknown> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <msgblock> is contained by
Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) <dd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <entry>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <lq>, <note>, <p>, <pd>, <stentry>
Topic (technical content) <abstract>, <body>, <bodydiv>, <dd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <entry>, <equation-figure>, <example>, <fig>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <p>, <pd>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <stentry>
Concept Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <conbody>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <cause>, <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <conbody>, <condition>, <context>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptypehd>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <conbody>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptypehd>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <cause>, <condition>, <responsibleParty>

Content models for <msgnum>

In this document type <msgnum> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting (text data | <text>)*
In this document type <msgnum> is contained by
Classify map, Map (technical content) <alt>, <author>, <b>, <brand>, <category>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <delim>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <featnum>, <figgroup>, <filepath>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <keywords>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linktext>, <lq>, <msgblock>, <msgph>, <navtitle>, <note>, <oper>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <pt>, <publisher>, <q>, <repsep>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <sep>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <sort-as>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <systemoutput>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <uicontrol>, <userinput>, <var>, <xref>
Concept, Topic (technical content) <abstract>, <alt>, <author>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <brand>, <category>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <component>, <consequence>, <coords>, <copyrholder>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <delim>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <equation-block>, <equation-inline>, <example>, <featnum>, <figgroup>, <filepath>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-base>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <index-sort-as>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <keywords>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <msgblock>, <msgph>, <navtitle>, <note>, <oper>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <platform>, <pre>, <prodname>, <prognum>, <pt>, <publisher>, <q>, <repsep>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <sep>, <series>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <sort-as>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <systemoutput>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <uicontrol>, <userinput>, <var>, <xref>
Bookmap Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <addressdetails>, <administrativearea>, <booklibrary>, <booknumber>, <bookpartno>, <booktitlealt>, <contactnumber>, <country>, <day>, <edition>, <emailaddress>, <firstname>, <generationidentifier>, <honorific>, <isbn>, <lastname>, <locality>, <localityname>, <mainbooktitle>, <middlename>, <month>, <organization>, <organizationname>, <otherinfo>, <person>, <postalcode>, <printlocation>, <revisionid>, <summary>, <thoroughfare>, <url>, <volume>, <year>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <glossAbbreviation>, <glossAcronym>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossShortForm>, <glossSurfaceForm>, <glossSynonym>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <glossAbbreviation>, <glossAcronym>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossShortForm>, <glossSurfaceForm>, <glossSynonym>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <responsibleParty>

Content models for <msgph>

In this document type <msgph> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <sort-as> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <unknown> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <data> | <data-about> | <foreign> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <sort-as> | <svg-container> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <unknown> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <msgph> is contained by
Classify map, Map (technical content) <alt>, <b>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <consequence>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linktext>, <lq>, <msgblock>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <pre>, <pt>, <q>, <screen>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <xref>
Concept, Topic (technical content) <abstract>, <alt>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <consequence>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <equation-block>, <equation-inline>, <equation-number>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <fragref>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <index-see>, <index-see-also>, <indexterm>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <linktext>, <lq>, <msgblock>, <navtitle>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <pd>, <ph>, <pre>, <pt>, <q>, <screen>, <searchtitle>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <source>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <synnote>, <title>, <tt>, <typeofhazard>, <u>, <xref>
Bookmap Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <booklibrary>, <booktitlealt>, <mainbooktitle>, <organizationname>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <responsibleParty>