Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Content models for learning and training package > G elements

G elements

Content models for elements beginning with "g".

Content models for <generationidentifier>

In this document type <generationidentifier> contains
Bookmap (text data | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <text> | <textentity> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
Learning bookmap (text data | <keyword> | <text>)*
In this document type <generationidentifier> is contained by
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <personname>

Content models for <glossAbbreviation>

In this document type <glossAbbreviation> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <glossAbbreviation> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>

Content models for <glossAcronym>

In this document type <glossAcronym> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <glossAcronym> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>

Content models for <glossAlt>

In this document type <glossAlt> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (<glossAbbreviation> | <glossAcronym> | <glossShortForm> | <glossSynonym>)?, <glossStatus>?, <glossProperty>*, <glossUsage>?, (<hazardstatement> | <note>)*, <glossAlternateFor>*
In this document type <glossAlt> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossBody>

Content models for <glossAlternateFor>

In this document type <glossAlternateFor> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group EMPTY
In this document type <glossAlternateFor> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>

Content models for <glossBody>

In this document type <glossBody> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossPartOfSpeech>?, <glossStatus>?, <glossProperty>*, <glossSurfaceForm>?, <glossUsage>?, <glossScopeNote>?, <glossSymbol>*, (<hazardstatement> | <note>)*, <glossAlt>*
In this document type <glossBody> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossentry>

Content models for <glossPartOfSpeech>

In this document type <glossPartOfSpeech> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group EMPTY
In this document type <glossPartOfSpeech> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossBody>

Content models for <glossProperty>

In this document type <glossProperty> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <equation-inline> | <filepath> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <menucascade> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <object> | <option> | <overline> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <synph> | <systemoutput> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <title> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <xref>)*
In this document type <glossProperty> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>, <glossBody>

Content models for <glossScopeNote>

In this document type <glossScopeNote> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeblock> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <draft-comment> | <equation-block> | <equation-figure> | <equation-inline> | <fig> | <filepath> | <fn> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <imagemap> | <indexterm> | <indextermref> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <menucascade> | <msgblock> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <object> | <ol> | <option> | <overline> | <p> | <parameterentity> | <parml> | <parmname> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <screen> | <simpletable> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <synph> | <syntaxdiagram> | <systemoutput> | <table> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <ul> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <xref>)*
In this document type <glossScopeNote> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossBody>

Content models for <glossShortForm>

In this document type <glossShortForm> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <glossShortForm> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>

Content models for <glossStatus>

In this document type <glossStatus> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group EMPTY
In this document type <glossStatus> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>, <glossBody>

Content models for <glossSurfaceForm>

In this document type <glossSurfaceForm> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <glossSurfaceForm> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossBody>

Content models for <glossSymbol>

In this document type <glossSymbol> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <alt>?, <longdescref>?
In this document type <glossSymbol> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossBody>

Content models for <glossSynonym>

In this document type <glossSynonym> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <cmdname> | <keyword> | <markupname> | <msgnum> | <numcharref> | <option> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <glossSynonym> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>

Content models for <glossUsage>

In this document type <glossUsage> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeblock> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <draft-comment> | <equation-block> | <equation-figure> | <equation-inline> | <fig> | <filepath> | <fn> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <imagemap> | <indexterm> | <indextermref> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <menucascade> | <msgblock> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <object> | <ol> | <option> | <overline> | <p> | <parameterentity> | <parml> | <parmname> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <screen> | <simpletable> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <synph> | <syntaxdiagram> | <systemoutput> | <table> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <ul> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <xref>)*
In this document type <glossUsage> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossAlt>, <glossBody>

Content models for <glossarylist>

In this document type <glossarylist> contains
Bookmap <topicmeta>?, (<anchorref> | <ditavalref> | <keydef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref>)*
Learning bookmap <topicmeta>?, (<anchorref> | <ditavalref> | <keydef> | <learningGroup> | <learningGroupMapRef> | <learningObject> | <learningObjectMapRef> | <mapref> | <topicgroup> | <topichead> | <topicref> | <topicset> | <topicsetref>)*
In this document type <glossarylist> is contained by
Bookmap, Learning bookmap <booklists>

Content models for <glossdef>

In this document type <glossdef> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeblock> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <div> | <dl> | <draft-comment> | <equation-block> | <equation-figure> | <equation-inline> | <fig> | <filepath> | <fn> | <foreign> | <hazardstatement> | <i> | <image> | <imagemap> | <indexterm> | <indextermref> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <lines> | <lq> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <menucascade> | <msgblock> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <note> | <numcharref> | <object> | <ol> | <option> | <overline> | <p> | <parameterentity> | <parml> | <parmname> | <ph> | <pre> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <screen> | <shortdesc> | <simpletable> | <sl> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <synph> | <syntaxdiagram> | <systemoutput> | <table> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <ul> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <xref>)*
In this document type <glossdef> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossentry>

Content models for <glossentry>

In this document type <glossentry> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossterm>, <glossdef>?, <prolog>?, <glossBody>?, <related-links>?
In this document type <glossentry> is contained by
Ditabase <concept>, <dita>, <glossgroup>, <reference>, <task>, <topic>, <troubleshooting>
Glossary entry No parent element
Glossary group <glossgroup>

Content models for <glossgroup>

In this document type <glossgroup> contains
Ditabase, Glossary group <title>, <prolog>?, (<glossentry> | <glossgroup>)*
In this document type <glossgroup> is contained by
Ditabase <concept>, <dita>, <glossgroup>, <reference>, <task>, <topic>, <troubleshooting>
Glossary group <glossgroup>

Content models for <glossref>

In this document type <glossref> contains
Classify map, Map (technical content) <topicmeta>?
In this document type <glossref> is contained by
Map (technical content) <anchorref>, <keydef>, <map>, <relcell>, <relcolspec>, <topicgroup>, <topichead>, <topicref>, <topicset>, <topicsetref>
Classify map Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <subjectCell>, <topicCell>, <topicapply>, <topicsubject>

Content models for <glossterm>

In this document type <glossterm> contains
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <equation-inline> | <filepath> | <foreign> | <i> | <image> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <menucascade> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <option> | <overline> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <synph> | <systemoutput> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi>)*
In this document type <glossterm> is contained by
Ditabase, Glossary entry, Glossary group <glossentry>

Content models for <groupchoice>

In this document type <groupchoice> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <title>?, <repsep>?, (<delim> | <fragref> | <groupchoice> | <groupcomp> | <groupseq> | <kwd> | <oper> | <sep> | <synnote> | <synnoteref> | <var>)*
In this document type <groupchoice> is contained by
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <fragment>, <groupchoice>, <groupcomp>, <groupseq>, <synblk>, <syntaxdiagram>

Content models for <groupcomp>

In this document type <groupcomp> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <title>?, <repsep>?, (<delim> | <fragref> | <groupchoice> | <groupcomp> | <groupseq> | <kwd> | <oper> | <sep> | <synnote> | <synnoteref> | <var>)*
In this document type <groupcomp> is contained by
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <fragment>, <groupchoice>, <groupcomp>, <groupseq>, <synblk>, <syntaxdiagram>

Content models for <groupseq>

In this document type <groupseq> contains
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <title>?, <repsep>?, (<delim> | <fragref> | <groupchoice> | <groupcomp> | <groupseq> | <kwd> | <oper> | <sep> | <synnote> | <synnoteref> | <var>)*
In this document type <groupseq> is contained by
Bookmap, Classify map, Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Map (technical content), Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting <fragment>, <groupchoice>, <groupcomp>, <groupseq>, <synblk>, <syntaxdiagram>