Publish to IETP

Once you have created a FrameMaker book from a PM, you can publish the book to IETP. To publish to IETP, you need Adobe® Technical Communication Suite 3 installed on your machine.

  1. Select S1000D > Publish IETP.

    The Choose Folder dialog appears.

  2. Create and select a new folder and click OK.

    The S1000D IETP dialog appears.

    Note: Instead of creating a folder, you can select an existing empty folder. But the folder must be empty; otherwise RoboHelp does not create the project.
  3. Specify a title for the project.
  4. To retain the temporary FrameMaker files, deselect Remove book and data modules after publishing IETP.
  5. Click Build.

    Each data module in the PM is saved as a FrameMaker document. The system launches RoboHelp. After processing all of the FrameMaker files, RoboHelp give you an option to generate a preview of the AIR output. You can preview the output and then save the .air file by opening the RoboHelp project generated in output folder.

// Ethnio survey code removed