Post processing includes all the processing of the book file output according to the ditafm-output.ini, such as:
Applying templates for title and chapter pages
Adding indexes, tables, and lists
Applying page numbers across the book
Managing pagination
Creating title pages for folder/main book/child book.
When set to 0, FrameMaker does not perform post processing.
When set to 1, FrameMaker performs post processing.
0 generates the book components at the location of the relevant input DITA files.
1 generates the book components at a single location where the book is saved.
0 generates a nested book from a ditamap retaining its structure, hierarchy, and levels.
1 generates a flatbook from a ditamap, where all topicrefs are flattened at the chapter level.
0 does not generate a ToC in the output.
1 generates a ToC in the output.
0 does not generate an index in the output.
1 generates an index in the output.
0 does not generate an index of authors in the output.
1 generates an index of authors in the output. The author names are picked up according to the Author marker type.
To generate an index of authors specify the following also:
Section |
Flag |
[BookWithFM-IndexOfAuthors] |
0 does not generate an index of subjects in the output.
1 generates an index of subjects in the output. The index is created with the marker entries of type Subject.
To generate an index of subjects, specify the following also:
Section |
Flag |
[BookWithFM-IndexOfSubjects] |
0 does not generate an index of markers in the output.
1 generates an index of markers of type Index.
To generate an index of subjects, specify the following also:
Section |
Flag |
[BookWithFM-IndexOfMarkers] |
0 does not generate an index of references in the output.
1 generates an index of references, such as an index of fonts, in the output. The references can be of different types, such as imported graphics, fonts, text insets, unresolved cross references.
To generate an index of subjects, specify the following also:
Section |
Flag |
[BookWithFM-IndexOfReferences] |
0 does not generate a list of figures in the output.
1 generates a list of figures in the output.
To generate a list of figures, specify the following also:
Section |
Flag |
[BookWithFM-ListofFigures] |
0 does not generate a list of tables in the output.
1 generates a list of tables in the output.
To generate a list of tables, specify the following also:
Section |
Flag |
[BookWithFM-ListofTables] |
0 does not generate a list of para in the output.
1 generates a list of paras used in the output.
To generate a list of para, also specify the template in the Template flag in the [BookWithFM-ListOfPara] section.
0 does not generate an alphabetical list of paras.
1 generates an alphabetical list of paras in the output.
Also, specify a template in the Template flag in the [BookWithFM-ListOfParaAlphabetical] section.
0 does not generate a list of markers in the output.
1 generates a list of markers in the output.
The marker types to include in the list are specified in the Template flag in the [BookWithFM-ListOfMarkers] section.
0 does not generate an alphabetical list of markers in the output.
1 generates an alphabetical list of markers in the output. Also, specify a template in the Template flag in the [BookWithFM-ListOfMarkersAlphabetical] section.
The marker types to include in the list are specified in the MarkerTags flag in the [BookWithFM-ListOfMarkersAlphabetical] section.
0 does not generate a list of references in the output.
1 generates a list of references, such as list of fonts or unresolved cross references, in the output. Also, specify a template in the Template flag in the [BookWithFM-ListOfReferences] section.
The references to include are specified using the References flag under the [BookWithFM-ListOfReferences] section.
0 does not generate a book title page in the output.
1 generates a book title page in the output.
0 does not generate title pages for child books in the output.
1 generates title pages for child books in the output.
In case topichead element is used to create hierarchy in your ditamap, set this flag as 1 to create title pages as templates for folders.
1 applies the following output templates in the folder specified as TemplateDir to the output:
This flag does not affect the generated book components such as ToC, Index, and title pages.
Specify the order of the files in the output. Use the following values delimited with pipelines to specify the order: BookTitle|TOC|Files|ListofFigures|ListofTables|Index.
Specify which all formats you want to import from the publishing template. Use one or more of the following values delimited by pipelines (the order is irrelevant): PGF|FONT|PAGE|TABLE|COND|REFPAGE|VAR|XREF|COLOR|MATH|DOCUMENT_PROPS|COMBINED_FONTS|FBA|STYLE|REMOVE_PAGE_BREAKS|REMOVE_EXCEPTIONS. To import everything in the template, set the flag to ALL.