

Name of the template FrameMaker uses for generating ListofFigures in the output.


Specify the element tags to include in the ListofFigures. Delimit multiple elements tags with pipelines.


Specify the para tags to include in the ListofFigures. Delimit multiple marker tags with pipelines. Default marker tag type to include is figure.title.


Set the page numbering flag for the ListofFigures file using one of the following values:

  • Restart: Restart page numbering from 1.

  • Continue: Continue from previous file.

  • ReadFromFile: Use the numbering value specified in the associated document.


If you have specified PageNumbering as Restart, specify a number to hardcode the first page’s number. Default value is 1.


Choose one of the following as the ListofFigures page numbering format:

  • Numeric

  • Roman_UC

  • Roman_LC

  • Alpha_UC

  • Alpha_LC

  • Kanji

  • Zenkaku

  • Zenkaku_UC

  • Zenkaku_LC

  • Kanji_Kazu

  • Daiji

  • FullWidth

  • FullWidth_UC

  • FullWidth_LC

  • Chinese_Numeric


Specify the pagination of the ListofFigures as:

  • DoubleSided

  • SingleSided

If you have selected the pagination as double sided, also set the FirstPageSide flag.

Set the page rounding flag as one of the following:
  • MakeEven: FrameMaker makes the number of pages in the ListofFigures even, if not already even, by inserting a blank page in the end.

  • MakeOdd: FrameMaker makes the number of pages in the ListofFigures odd, if not already odd, by inserting a blank page in the end.

  • DontChange: FrameMaker does not change the number of pages in the ListofFigures.

  • DeleteEmpty: FrameMaker deletes the empty pages in the end of the ListofFigures.


Use one of the following options to set the first page of the ListofFigures file:

  • ReadFromFile: Use the page side in the associated document.

  • NextAvailable: Starts the ListofFigures with a left page if the previous page in the book was a right one. Or starts the ListofFigures with a right page if the previous page in the book was a left one.

  • Left: Use this value to start ListofFigures with a left page.

  • Right: Use this value to start ListofFigures with a right page.

May 25, 2023

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