Home > Editing content > Spell checking, Hyphenation and Thesaurus > Dictionaries > Dictionary Functions dialog

Dictionary Functions dialog

Understand the Dictionary Functions dialog and the different types of dictionaries in Adobe FrameMaker.

Choose Edit > Spelling Checker to open the Spelling Checker dialog. Click Dictionaries to open the Dictionary Functions dialog.

Figure 1. The Dictionary Functions dialog
DictionaryFunctions dialog in FrameMaker

Personal Dictionary
From the drop-down list:
Set to None: Spell check a document without using the personal dictionary
Write to File: Specify the file to which you want to copy the dictionary contents. You can edit this file and then use it as a new dictionary.
Note: If a book window is active when you choose this command, the document dictionaries are copied to a single file.
Merge from File: Choose the file to merge with the current dictionary.
Import Dictionary: Locate or specify the name of the file that contains the personal dictionary you want to use and click Use.
Document Dictionary
From the drop-down list:
Clear: Delete the contents of the document dictionary
Write to File: Specify the file to which you want to copy the dictionary contents. You can edit this file and then use it as a new dictionary.
Note: If a book window is active when you choose this command, the document dictionaries are copied to a single file.
Merge from File: Choose the file to merge with the current dictionary.
Write All Unknown Words to File
Add all the words in the current document with incorrect spelling to a dictionary.
Clear Automatic Corrections
To ensure FrameMaker does not Correct spelling errors automatically the next time you open FrameMaker.
Mark All Paragraphs for Rechecking
FrameMaker rechecks only paragraphs that have been edited since the previous check. If you change options after spell-checking a document, consider running the Spelling Checker again after instructing FrameMaker to mark all paragraphs for rechecking.
Rehyphenate Document
Rehyphenate an entire document or book.