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Understand site, personal, and document dictionaries in Adobe FrameMaker.

Adobe FrameMaker automatically creates a personal dictionary for you and a document dictionary for each of your documents. You can use either the Spelling Checker or Auto Spell Check options, to add or delete words in these dictionaries, or you can manage the dictionaries directly. When you work with a dictionary directly, you can examine and edit its contents or merge it with another dictionary. You can create multiple personal dictionaries and then use them one at a time.

If you make changes either to a personal or to a document dictionary, mark all paragraphs for rechecking before you spell-check the document again.

You perform many of the following tasks in the Dictionary Functions dialog box.

The FrameMaker Spelling Checker uses several dictionaries to check text for spelling errors. When you spell-check a document, FrameMaker compares each word in it with the words in the following dictionaries:

Main dictionary
Contains words found in a standard dictionary. You can’t add words to or delete words from this dictionary
Default Site Dictionary
Contains some technical terms. You can add words common to your site or workgroup—for example, the company name and product names. The site dictionary is normally in the site.dict file in the FrameMaker dict folder.
Personal Dictionary
Contains words you use often. Because FrameMaker uses this dictionary whenever you spell-check any document, use this dictionary for words that are neither document-specific nor site-specific (for example, your name). You can add or delete words. You can also create several personal dictionaries and switch between them.
Document Dictionary
Contains words that are acceptable in a particular document. FrameMaker uses this dictionary regardless of who is editing the document. You can add words to or delete words from it. Unlike the other dictionaries, the document dictionary is part of the document rather than a separate file.