General questions

The list of following domains need to be whitelisted in the enterprise network as they are the endpoints for downloading SSL certificates :-
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If these domains are not accessible the user would have to uncheck "Check for server certificate revocation" in Advanced section of Internet Options.

Once you launch the chrome as mentioned in the link Chrome settings The browser window would open with the following message on the top :

Few links that are accessed during the check require cross domain access that might be disabled on the system.
Please check that you have enabled it as mentioned in the link Enable data access across domains in the Internet options and disable prompts
A few links that are being accesses might show a certificate error prompt. Please press Yes or else the URL would get marked as failed in the check process.
Sometimes Chrome might not get launched with the preferred settings because of a running instance of the browser.
In such a case open Task Manager / Activity monitor and kill any running instances of chrome.exe
On Windoes machine open Run and type the command : chrome --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security
On MAC machine open terminal and type open -a "Google Chrome" --args --user-data-dir="/Users/<logged in MAC user>/Chrome dev Session" --disable-web-security

No, Once the check is complete you can revert the changes you made referring to the Instructions page.
No, Currently the newer versions of these browsers are not supporting the CORS so the URL's that require cross domain access would fail on the browser however they would pass when accessed directly.
Hence the application would show wrong result in that case.
No, There a few URL's that cannot be hit via the browser directly and hence are not accesses via the application.
Following is the list of the domains that cannot be accessed by the application :
On IE user gets many prompts and any delay in reacting to those prompts can cause errors, so, it is recommended to use Chrome which does not throw these prompts.

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