Create custom fields

Custom fields are additional data fields that you define. You can define up to eight custom fields on a principal or SCO using custom-field-update .

Once you define the custom field, by default you can set its value either by editing the value in Adobe Connect Central or by calling custom-field-update .

To specify that the value can only be updated through the API, call custom-field-update with the parameter object-type=object-type-read-only .

Define a custom field and set it on a user

  1. First, create the field with custom-field-update : 

    The name field defines the field name as your application displays it, so use appropriate spelling and capitalization. The custom field in this example is defined for all Adobe Connect principals.

  2. Parse the field element in the response for the field-id :

    <field field-id="2007184366" object-type="object-type-principal" 
            display-seq="9" account-id="624520" is-primary="false"  
            permission-id="manage" is-required="true" field-type="text"> 
  3. Get the principal-id of the user (see Find a principal-id ).

  4. Call acl-field-update to set the value of the field, passing a field-id , the user’s principal-id as acl-id , and a value: 
  5. Parse the response for a status code of ok .

// Ethnio survey code removed