Update users

Once you create users, you often need to update their information. You can update standard fields that Adobe Connect defines for users by calling principal-update with the user’s principal-id . The standard fields include email , login , first-name , and last-name .

If you have defined custom fields for the principal, use acl-field-update to update them.

You need Administrator privilege to update users, so your application must first log in as a user in the admins group. You cannot log in as the user and then have the user update his or her own profile.

Update standard user information

  1. Log in as an Administrator user.

  2. Call principal-list with a filter to get the user’s principal-id (see Find a principal-id ).

  3. Call <<UNRESOLVED XREF>> principal-update to update the user:

  4. Parse the response for a status code of ok .

Update custom field values for a user

  1. Log in as an Administrator user.

  2. Call custom-fields to get the field-id of the custom field:

  3. Get the principal-id , sco-id , or account-id you want to update.

    This value is the acl-id you pass to acl-field-update .

  4. Call acl-field-update to update the value of the custom field:


// Ethnio survey code removed