Display meetings

In your application, you might want to lists of Adobe Connect meetings, such as a user’s present or future scheduled meetings.

An application workflow might log a user in and display the user’s meetings, or it might add the user to a meeting and then display meetings. Displaying the user’s meetings means listing the contents of the my-meetings folder.

Display a user’s meetings

  1. Log the user in (see Log in from an application ).

  2. Call report-my-meetings to list the user’s meetings:


    You can add a filter to reduce the response. For example, you can exclude meetings that have ended:

  3. Parse the response for values from the meeting elements:

    <meeting sco-id="2007063179" type="meeting" icon="meeting" permission-id="host" active-participants="0"> 
        <name>September All Hands Meeting</name>  
  4. Create the URL to the meeting room by concatenating http:// or https:// , domain-name , and url-path .

Add a user to a meeting and display meetings

  1. Log in as your application’s Administrator user.

  2. Get the user’s principal-id (see Find a principal-id ).

  3. Get the sco-id of the meeting (see Find meetings ).

  4. Call permissions-update to add the user to the meeting:


    Use a permission-id of view for a participant, mini-host for presenter, or host for a meeting host.

  5. Log out as the Administrator user, and log in as the user you just added to the meeting.

  6. Display the user’s current meetings:


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