Send a request in an XML document

At times, you may prefer to send an HTTP POST request to the server to make sure the data is secure and not visible in transit. In that case, specify the action name and parameters in an XML document.

Make an XML document request

  1. Create an XML document with the root element params and param child elements for the action name and each parameter:

        <param name="action">login</param> 
        <param name="login"></param> 
        <param name="password">foobar</param> 
    • You can only send one action in the params root element. You cannot batch multiple actions to be executed sequentially.

    • The XML document you send must be valid and well-formed. Try validating the document in an XML editor before you send it.

  2. Write code that sends an HTTP POST request to Adobe Connect and receives an XML response.

    The specific code will vary according to your programming language and development environment.

  3. In your code, send the XML document to Adobe Connect in the body of the HTTP POST request.

    • Read the XML document into the request.

    • Be sure to set a content-type header of text/xml or application/xml .

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