View course reports

The Reports feature of Adobe Connect Central lets you create reports that show you a course from different perspectives. Course reports also enable you to track the performance of specific learners. (When learners access a course, either from a direct course URL or from the course URL within a curriculum, course reports are created.) To use this feature, access the Course Information page, and then click the Reports link. This displays other links that let you define the kinds of report information you can see for this course.

Content and course reports are distinct, because a course is associated with a specific version of content. (In contrast, course and curriculum reports are shared, because a curriculum is only a link to a course.)

  1. Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
  2. Navigate to a course.
  3. In the course list, click the name of the course.
  4. Click the Reports link.
  5. To generate a report, click any of the following links:
    • Summary shows you course information (name, ID, open date, close date, and URL) and course status (enrolled users, users completed, users passed, and users failed).

    • By Slides/Pages shows a bar graph that lists each slide in the course and the number of times it has been viewed. A table shows the last time each slide was viewed.

    • By Users shows the users who have accessed the course, their status (In Progress, Complete, Passed, or Failed), score, date taken (user’s most recent attempt), time taken (time of most recent attempt), how many times the user took the course, the course version, and the certificate number, if applicable. Click the name of a user to view a bar graph and a table that shows each question and whether the user answered it correctly or incorrectly, as well as the score for the question. You can also click the View Answers link for each question, which displays the answer distribution.

    • By Questions shows a table that lists question numbers, questions, the number of times the question has been answered correctly, the number of times the question has been answered incorrectly, the percentage of times the question has been answered correctly, and the question score.

    • By Answers shows a table that lists the maximum possible score, the average score, the high score, and the low score for the quiz. For each question, the table also shows the question number, the question itself, and the answer distribution; that is, how each question was answered, if at all. Click the View Answers link to view a pie chart with a table that provides the answer key and answer distribution. The answer key lists all of the possible answers for the question and their corresponding answer number or letter; the answer distribution lists all of the answers selected for this question, flags the correct answer, and shows the number of users who selected each answer, as well as what percent of the total each number of users represents. Finally, it totals the users by number of users and percent of users. (The Hide Answer Distribution/Show Answer Distribution button is a toggle that lets you hide the distribution of answers for each question, then show them again.)

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