Edit prerequisites, test-outs, and completion requirements

After creating a curriculum, you can make many changes such as assigning prerequisites, assigning test-outs, and editing completion requirements. Adobe recommends using either test-outs or prerequisites, but not both, to create learning paths. Using both is possible, but it can be time-consuming and complicated to test all of the possible workflows learners may encounter.

Assign prerequisites to an item

Assigning prerequisites enforces learner access to items in a specific sequence. A folder cannot be set as a prerequisite. Also, external training items should not be set as Required because Adobe Connect cannot automatically track external items.

Note: Avoid creating redundant prerequisites; they are confusing for learners and may cause performance issues on your Adobe Connect server.
  1. If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
  2. In the list of curriculum items, click the name of the item or folder that requires a prerequisite. This procedure refers to this item as the selected item .
  3. In the Prerequisites area, click Edit.

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    In the Course Information Prerequisites area, click Edit to create a specific learning path.

  4. The Select Prerequisite area lists the items in the curriculum. Use the Options pop‑up menu next to an item to specify the type of prerequisite:
    Indicates that the prerequisite is optional. Users receive a message requesting that they take the prerequisite before taking the selected item.

    Indicates that the prerequisite must be completed successfully, not just completed, before taking the selected item. Do not assign Required status to external content. Adobe Connect cannot verify completion of external content, such as a website URL.

    Indicates that the selected item appears on the enrollment page only after the user completes the prerequisite.

  5. When you finish selecting prerequisites, click Save.

Assign test-outs for an item

You can design the curriculum so that enrollees are not required to take an item if they pass a related test-out item. Folders cannot be configured as test-out items or linked as selected items. Always use a specific course or meeting, not a folder, as a test-out or selected item for any other learning object.

Here are tips for creating test-outs:
  • Carefully choose between the Optional, Blocked, and Hidden options. Your learners could have a very different path and learning experience depending on which option you select for a test-out.

  • You cannot assign a test-out for the first item in a curriculum.

  • Do not use chained test-outs. An example of a chained test-out is setting item 1 as a test-out for item 2 and then setting item 2 as a test-out for item 3.

  1. If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
  2. In the list of items, click the name of the item that requires a test-out item. This procedure refers to this item as the selected item .
  3. In the Test-Outs area, click Edit.
  4. The Select Test-Outs area lists items in the curriculum. Use the pop‑up menu by an item to designate it as a test-out for the selected item, using the following criteria:
    Indicates that if the enrollee passes the test-out item, the selected item is unavailable to the enrollee. If the enrollee fails the test-out item, the selected item becomes available.

    Indicates that if the enrollee passes the test-out item, the selected item is no longer required to complete the curriculum.

    Indicates that if the enrollee passes the test-out item, the selected item is hidden from the enrollee. If the enrollee fails the test-out item, the test-out item is visible and available for the enrollee to take.

  5. When you finish specifying test-out items, click Save.

Edit completion requirements

You can designate an item as required , which specifies that an enrollee must successfully complete the item to complete the curriculum. By default, all items are required, but you can set individual items as optional or required without impacting other items.

  1. If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
  2. In the Completion Requirements area, click Edit.
  3. For each item that you want to specify as required, select Required from the pop‑up menu.
  4. When you finish specifying required items, click Save.

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