
A class is an abstract representation of an object. A class stores information about the types of data that an object can hold and the behaviors that an object can exhibit. The usefulness of such an abstraction is not necessarily apparent when you write small scripts that contain only a few objects interacting with one another. However, as the scope of a program grows the number of objects that must be managed increases. In that case classes allow you to better control how objects are created and how they interact with one another.

As far back as ActionScript 1.0, ActionScript programmers could use Function objects to create constructs that resembled classes. ActionScript 2.0 added formal support for classes with keywords such as class and extends. ActionScript 3.0 not only continues to support the keywords introduced in ActionScript 2.0. It also adds new capabilities. For example, ActionScript 3.0 includes enhanced access control with the protected and internal attributes. It also provides better control over inheritance with the final and override keywords.

For developers who have created classes in programming languages like Java, C++, or C#, ActionScript provides a familiar experience. ActionScript shares many of the same keywords and attribute names, such as class, extends, and public.

Note: In the Adobe ActionScript documentation, the term property means any member of an object or class, including variables, constants, and methods. In addition, although the terms class and static are often used interchangeably, here these terms are distinct. For example, the phrase “class properties” is used to mean all the members of a class, rather than only the static members.

Class definitions

ActionScript 3.0 class definitions use syntax that is similar to the syntax used in ActionScript 2.0 class definitions. Proper syntax for a class definition calls for the class keyword followed by the class name. The class body, enclosed by curly brackets ({}), follows the class name. For example, the following code creates a class named Shape that contains one variable, named visible:

public class Shape 
    var visible:Boolean = true; 

One significant syntax change involves class definitions that are inside a package. In ActionScript 2.0, if a class is inside a package, the package name must be included in the class declaration. In ActionScript 3.0, which introduces the package statement, the package name must be included in the package declaration instead of in the class declaration. For example, the following class declarations show how the BitmapData class, which is part of the flash.display package, is defined in ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0:

// ActionScript 2.0 
class flash.display.BitmapData {} 
// ActionScript 3.0 
package flash.display 
    public class BitmapData {} 

Class attributes

ActionScript 3.0 allows you to modify class definitions using one of the following four attributes:




Allow properties to be added to instances at run time.


Must not be extended by another class.

internal (default)

Visible to references inside the current package.


Visible to references everywhere.

For each of these attributes, except for internal, you explicitly include the attribute to get the associated behavior. For example, if you do not include the dynamic attribute when defining a class, you can’t add properties to a class instance at run time. You explicitly assign an attribute by placing it at the beginning of the class definition, as the following code demonstrates:

dynamic class Shape {}

Notice that the list does not include an attribute named abstract. Abstract classes are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. Notice also that the list does not include attributes named private and protected. These attributes have meaning only inside a class definition, and cannot be applied to classes themselves. If you do not want a class to be publicly visible outside a package, place the class inside a package and mark the class with the internal attribute. Alternatively, you can omit both the internal and public attributes, and the compiler automatically adds the internal attribute for you. You can also define a class to only be visible inside the source file in which it is defined. Place the class at the bottom of your source file, below the closing curly bracket of the package definition.

Class body

The class body is enclosed by curly brackets. It defines the variables, constants, and methods of your class. The following example shows the declaration for the Accessibility class in ActionScript 3.0:

public final class Accessibility 
    public static function get active():Boolean; 
    public static function updateProperties():void; 

You can also define a namespace inside a class body. The following example shows how a namespace can be defined within a class body and used as an attribute of a method in that class:

public class SampleClass 
    public namespace sampleNamespace; 
    sampleNamespace function doSomething():void; 

ActionScript 3.0 allows you to include not only definitions in a class body, but also statements. Statements that are inside a class body, but outside a method definition, are executed exactly once. This execution happens when the class definition is first encountered and the associated class object is created. The following example includes a call to an external function, hello(), and a trace statement that outputs a confirmation message when the class is defined:

function hello():String 
class SampleClass 
    trace("class created"); 
// output when class is created 
class created

In ActionScript 3.0 it is permissible to define a static property and an instance property with the same name in the same class body. For example, the following code declares a static variable named message and an instance variable of the same name:

class StaticTest 
    static var message:String = "static variable"; 
    var message:String = "instance variable"; 
// In your script 
var myST:StaticTest = new StaticTest(); 
trace(StaticTest.message); // output: static variable 
trace(myST.message); // output: instance variable

Class property attributes

In discussions of the ActionScript object model, the term property means anything that can be a member of a class, including variables, constants, and methods. However, in the Adobe ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform the term is used more narrowly. In that context the term property includes only class members that are variables or are defined by a getter or setter method. In ActionScript 3.0, there is a set of attributes that can be used with any property of a class. The following table lists this set of attributes.



internal (default)

Visible to references inside the same package.


Visible to references in the same class.


Visible to references in the same class and derived classes.


Visible to references everywhere.


Specifies that a property belongs to the class, as opposed to instances of the class.


Custom namespace name defined by user.

Access control namespace attributes

ActionScript 3.0 provides four special attributes that control access to properties defined inside a class: public, private, protected, and internal.

The public attribute makes a property visible anywhere in your script. For example, to make a method available to code outside its package, you must declare the method with the public attribute. This is true for any property, whether it is declared using the var, const, or function keywords.

The private attribute makes a property visible only to callers within the property’s defining class. This behavior differs from that of the private attribute in ActionScript 2.0, which allowed a subclass to access a private property in a superclass. Another significant change in behavior has to do with run-time access. In ActionScript 2.0, the private keyword prohibited access only at compile time and was easily circumvented at run time. In ActionScript 3.0, this is no longer true. Properties that are marked as private are unavailable at both compile time and run time.

For example, the following code creates a simple class named PrivateExample with one private variable, and then attempts to access the private variable from outside the class.

class PrivateExample 
    private var privVar:String = "private variable"; 
var myExample:PrivateExample = new PrivateExample(); 
trace(myExample.privVar);// compile-time error in strict mode 
trace(myExample["privVar"]); // ActionScript 2.0 allows access, but in ActionScript 3.0, this is a run-time error. 

In ActionScript 3.0, an attempt to access a private property using the dot operator (myExample.privVar) results in a compile-time error if you are using strict mode. Otherwise, the error is reported at run time, just as it is when you use the property access operator (myExample["privVar"]).

The following table summarizes the results of attempting to access a private property that belongs to a sealed (not dynamic) class:


Strict mode

Standard mode

dot operator (.)

compile-time error

run-time error

bracket operator ([])

run-time error

run-time error

In classes declared with the dynamic attribute, attempts to access a private variable do not result in a run-time error. Instead, the variable is not visible, so the value undefined is returned. A compile-time error occurs, however, if you use the dot operator in strict mode. The following example is the same as the previous example, except that the PrivateExample class is declared as a dynamic class:

dynamic class PrivateExample 
    private var privVar:String = "private variable"; 
var myExample:PrivateExample = new PrivateExample(); 
trace(myExample.privVar);// compile-time error in strict mode 
trace(myExample["privVar"]); // output: undefined

Dynamic classes generally return the value undefined instead of generating an error when code external to a class attempts to access a private property. The following table shows that an error is generated only when the dot operator is used to access a private property in strict mode:


Strict mode

Standard mode

dot operator (.)

compile-time error


bracket operator ([])



The protected attribute, which is new for ActionScript 3.0, makes a property visible to callers within its own class or in a subclass. In other words, a protected property is available within its own class or to classes that lie anywhere below it in the inheritance hierarchy. This is true whether the subclass is in the same package or in a different package.

For those familiar with ActionScript 2.0, this functionality is similar to the private attribute in ActionScript 2.0. The ActionScript 3.0 protected attribute is also similar to the protected attribute in Java. It differs in that the Java version also permits access to callers within the same package. The protected attribute is useful when you have a variable or method that your subclasses need but that you want to hide from code that is outside the inheritance chain.

The internal attribute, which is new for ActionScript 3.0, makes a property visible to callers within its own package. This is the default attribute for code inside a package, and it applies to any property that does not have any of the following attributes:

  • public

  • private

  • protected

  • a user-defined namespace

The internal attribute is similar to the default access control in Java, although in Java there is no explicit name for this level of access, and it can be achieved only through the omission of any other access modifier. The internal attribute is available in ActionScript 3.0 to give you the option of explicitly signifying your intent to make a property visible only to callers within its own package.

static attribute

The static attribute, which can be used with properties declared with the var, const, or function keywords, allows you to attach a property to the class rather than to instances of the class. Code external to the class must call static properties by using the class name instead of an instance name.

Static properties are not inherited by subclasses, but the properties are part of a subclass’s scope chain. This means that within the body of a subclass, a static variable or method can be used without referencing the class in which it was defined.

User-defined namespace attributes

As an alternative to the predefined access control attributes, you can create a custom namespace for use as an attribute. Only one namespace attribute can be used per definition, and you cannot use a namespace attribute in combination with any of the access control attributes (public, private, protected, internal).


Variables can be declared with either the var or const keywords. Variables declared with the var keyword can have their values changed multiple times throughout the execution of a script. Variables declared with the const keyword are called constants, and can have values assigned to them only once. An attempt to assign a new value to an initialized constant results in an error.

Static variables

Static variables are declared using a combination of the static keyword and either the var or const statement. Static variables, which are attached to a class rather than an instance of a class, are useful for storing and sharing information that applies to an entire class of objects. For example, a static variable is appropriate if you want to keep a tally of the number of times a class is instantiated or if you want to store the maximum number of class instances that are allowed.

The following example creates a totalCount variable to track the number of class instantiations and a MAX_NUM constant to store the maximum number of instantiations. The totalCount and MAX_NUM variables are static, because they contain values that apply to the class as a whole rather than to a particular instance.

class StaticVars 
    public static var totalCount:int = 0; 
    public static const MAX_NUM:uint = 16; 

Code that is external to the StaticVars class and any of its subclasses can reference the totalCount and MAX_NUM properties only through the class itself. For example, the following code works:

trace(StaticVars.totalCount); // output: 0 
trace(StaticVars.MAX_NUM); // output: 16

You cannot access static variables through an instance of the class, so the following code returns errors:

var myStaticVars:StaticVars = new StaticVars(); 
trace(myStaticVars.totalCount); // error 
trace(myStaticVars.MAX_NUM); // error

Variables that are declared with both the static and const keywords must be initialized at the same time as you declare the constant, as the StaticVars class does for MAX_NUM. You cannot assign a value to MAX_NUM inside the constructor or an instance method. The following code generates an error, because it is not a valid way to initialize a static constant:

// !! Error to initialize static constant this way 
class StaticVars2 
    public static const UNIQUESORT:uint; 
    function initializeStatic():void 
        UNIQUESORT = 16; 

Instance variables

Instance variables include properties declared with the var and const keywords, but without the static keyword. Instance variables, which are attached to class instances rather than to an entire class, are useful for storing values that are specific to an instance. For example, the Array class has an instance property named length, which stores the number of array elements that a particular instance of the Array class holds.

Instance variables, whether declared as var or const, cannot be overridden in a subclass. You can, however, achieve functionality that is similar to overriding variables by overriding getter and setter methods.


Methods are functions that are part of a class definition. Once an instance of the class is created, a method is bound to that instance. Unlike a function declared outside a class, a method cannot be used apart from the instance to which it is attached.

Methods are defined using the function keyword. As with any class property, you can apply any of the class property attributes to methods, including private, protected, public, internal, static, or a custom namespace. You can use a function statement such as the following:

public function sampleFunction():String {}

Or you can use a variable to which you assign a function expression, as follows:

public var sampleFunction:Function = function () {}

In most cases, use a function statement instead of a function expression for the following reasons:

  • Function statements are more concise and easier to read.

  • Function statements allow you to use the override and final keywords.

  • Function statements create a stronger bond between the identifier (the name of the function) and the code within the method body. Because the value of a variable can be changed with an assignment statement, the connection between a variable and its function expression can be severed at any time. Although you can work around this issue by declaring the variable with const instead of var, such a technique is not considered a best practice. It makes the code hard to read and prevents the use of the override and final keywords.

One case in which you must use a function expression is when you choose to attach a function to the prototype object.

Constructor methods

Constructor methods, sometimes called constructors, are functions that share the same name as the class in which they are defined. Any code that you include in a constructor method is executed whenever an instance of the class is created with the new keyword. For example, the following code defines a simple class named Example that contains a single property named status. The initial value of the status variable is set inside the constructor function.

class Example 
    public var status:String; 
    public function Example() 
        status = "initialized"; 
var myExample:Example = new Example(); 
trace(myExample.status); // output: initialized

Constructor methods can only be public, but the use of the public attribute is optional. You cannot use any of the other access control specifiers, including private, protected, or internal, on a constructor. You also cannot use a user-defined namespace with a constructor method.

A constructor can make an explicit call to the constructor of its direct superclass by using the super() statement. If the superclass constructor is not explicitly called, the compiler automatically inserts a call before the first statement in the constructor body. You can also call methods of the superclass by using the super prefix as a reference to the superclass. If you decide to use both super() and super in the same constructor body, be sure to call super() first. Otherwise, the super reference does not behave as expected. The super() constructor should also be called before any throw or return statement.

The following example demonstrates what happens if you attempt to use the super reference before calling the super() constructor. A new class, ExampleEx, extends the Example class. The ExampleEx constructor attempts to access the status variable defined in its superclass, but does so before calling super(). The trace() statement inside the ExampleEx constructor produces the value null, because the status variable is not available until the super() constructor executes.

class ExampleEx extends Example 
    public function ExampleEx() 
var mySample:ExampleEx = new ExampleEx(); // output: null

Although it is legal to use the return statement inside a constructor, it is not permissible to return a value. In other words, return statements must not have associated expressions or values. Accordingly, constructor methods are not allowed to return values, which means that no return type can be specified.

If you do not define a constructor method in your class, the compiler automatically creates an empty constructor for you. If your class extends another class, the compiler includes a super() call in the constructor it generates.

Static methods

Static methods, also called class methods, are methods that are declared with the static keyword. Static methods, which are attached to a class rather than to an instance of a class, are useful for encapsulating functionality that affects something other than the state of an individual instance. Because static methods are attached to a class as a whole, static methods can be accessed only through a class and not through an instance of the class.

Static methods are useful for encapsulating functionality that is not limited to affecting the state of class instances. In other words, a method should be static if it provides functionality that does not directly affect the value of a class instance. For example, the Date class has a static method named parse(), which takes a string and converts it to a number. The method is static because it does not affect an individual instance of the class. Instead, the parse() method takes a string that represents a date value, parses the string, and returns a number in a format compatible with the internal representation of a Date object. This method is not an instance method, because it does not make sense to apply the method to an instance of the Date class.

Contrast the static parse() method with one of the instance methods of the Date class, such as getMonth(). The getMonth() method is an instance method, because it operates directly on the value of an instance by retrieving a specific component, the month, of a Date instance.

Because static methods are not bound to individual instances, you cannot use the keywords this or super within the body of a static method. Both the this reference and the super reference have meaning only within the context of an instance method.

In contrast with some other class-based programming languages, static methods in ActionScript 3.0 are not inherited.

Instance methods

Instance methods are methods that are declared without the static keyword. Instance methods, which are attached to instances of a class instead of the class as a whole, are useful for implementing functionality that affects individual instances of a class. For example, the Array class contains an instance method named sort(), which operates directly on Array instances.

Within the body of an instance method, both static and instance variables are in scope, which means that variables defined in the same class can be referenced using a simple identifier. For example, the following class, CustomArray, extends the Array class. The CustomArray class defines a static variable named arrayCountTotal to track the total number of class instances, an instance variable named arrayNumber that tracks the order in which the instances were created, and an instance method named getPosition() that returns the values of these variables.

public class CustomArray extends Array 
    public static var arrayCountTotal:int = 0; 
    public var arrayNumber:int; 
    public function CustomArray() 
        arrayNumber = ++arrayCountTotal; 
    public function getArrayPosition():String 
         return ("Array " + arrayNumber + " of " + arrayCountTotal); 

Although code external to the class must access the arrayCountTotal static variable through the class object using CustomArray.arrayCountTotal, code that resides inside the body of the getPosition() method can refer directly to the static arrayCountTotal variable. This is true even for static variables in superclasses. Though static properties are not inherited in ActionScript 3.0, static properties in superclasses are in scope. For example, the Array class has a few static variables, one of which is a constant named DESCENDING. Code that resides in an Array subclass can access the static constant DESCENDING using a simple identifier:

public class CustomArray extends Array 
    public function testStatic():void 
        trace(DESCENDING); // output: 2 

The value of the this reference within the body of an instance method is a reference to the instance to which the method is attached. The following code demonstrates that the this reference points to the instance that contains the method:

class ThisTest 
    function thisValue():ThisTest 
        return this; 
var myTest:ThisTest = new ThisTest(); 
trace(myTest.thisValue() == myTest); // output: true

Inheritance of instance methods can be controlled with the keywords override and final. You can use the override attribute to redefine an inherited method, and the final attribute to prevent subclasses from overriding a method.

Get and set accessor methods

Get and set accessor functions, also called getters and setters, allow you to adhere to the programming principles of information hiding and encapsulation while providing an easy-to-use programming interface for the classes that you create. Get and set functions allow you to keep your class properties private to the class, but allow users of your class to access those properties as if they were accessing a class variable instead of calling a class method.

The advantage of this approach is that it allows you to avoid the traditional accessor functions with unwieldy names, such as getPropertyName() and setPropertyName(). Another advantage of getters and setters is that you can avoid having two public-facing functions for each property that allows both read and write access.

The following example class, named GetSet, includes get and set accessor functions named publicAccess() that provide access to the private variable named privateProperty:

class GetSet 
    private var privateProperty:String; 
    public function get publicAccess():String 
        return privateProperty; 
    public function set publicAccess(setValue:String):void 
        privateProperty = setValue; 

If you attempt to access the property privateProperty directly, an error occurs, as follows:

var myGetSet:GetSet = new GetSet(); 
trace(myGetSet.privateProperty); // error occurs

Instead, a user of the GetSet class uses something that appears to be a property named publicAccess, but that is really a pair of get and set accessor functions that operate on the private property named privateProperty. The following example instantiates the GetSet class, and then sets the value of the privateProperty using the public accessor named publicAccess:

var myGetSet:GetSet = new GetSet(); 
trace(myGetSet.publicAccess); // output: null 
myGetSet.publicAccess = "hello"; 
trace(myGetSet.publicAccess); // output: hello

Getter and setter functions also make it possible to override properties that are inherited from a superclass, something that is not possible when you use regular class member variables. Class member variables that are declared using the var keyword cannot be overridden in a subclass. Properties that are created using getter and setter functions, however, do not have this restriction. You can use the override attribute on getter and setter functions that are inherited from a superclass.

Bound methods

A bound method, sometimes called a method closure, is simply a method that is extracted from its instance. Examples of bound methods include methods that are passed as arguments to a function or returned as values from a function. New in ActionScript 3.0, a bound method is similar to a function closure in that it retains its lexical environment even when extracted from its instance. The key difference, however, between a bound method and a function closure is that the this reference for a bound method remains linked, or bound, to the instance that implements the method. In other words, the this reference in a bound method always points to the original object that implemented the method. For function closures, the this reference is generic, which means that it points to whatever object the function is associated with at the time it is called.

Understanding bound methods is important if you use the this keyword. Recall that the this keyword provides a reference to a method’s parent object. Most ActionScript programmers expect that the this keyword always represents the object or class that contains the definition of a method. Without method binding, however, this would not always be true. In previous versions of ActionScript, for example, the this reference did not always refer to the instance that implemented the method. When methods are extracted from an instance in ActionScript 2.0, not only is the this reference not bound to the original instance, but also the member variables and methods of the instance’s class are not available. This is not a problem in ActionScript 3.0, because bound methods are automatically created when you pass a method as a parameter. Bound methods ensure that the this keyword always references the object or class in which a method is defined.

The following code defines a class named ThisTest, which contains a method named foo() that defines the bound method, and a method named bar() that returns the bound method. Code external to the class creates an instance of the ThisTest class, calls the bar() method, and stores the return value in a variable named myFunc.

class ThisTest 
    private var num:Number = 3; 
    function foo():void // bound method defined 
        trace("foo's this: " + this); 
        trace("num: " + num); 
    function bar():Function 
        return foo; // bound method returned 
var myTest:ThisTest = new ThisTest(); 
var myFunc:Function =; 
trace(this); // output: [object global] 
/* output:  
foo's this: [object ThisTest] 
output: num: 3 */

The last two lines of code show that the this reference in the bound method foo() still points to an instance of ThisTest class, even though the this reference in the line just before it points to the global object. Moreover, the bound method stored in the myFunc variable still has access to the member variables of the ThisTest class. If this same code is run in ActionScript 2.0, the this references would match, and the num variable would be undefined.

One area where the addition of bound methods is most noticeable is with event handlers, because the addEventListener() method requires that you pass a function or method as an argument.

Enumerations with classes

Enumerations are custom data types that you create to encapsulate a small set of values. ActionScript 3.0 does not support a specific enumeration facility, unlike C++ with its enum keyword or Java with its Enumeration interface. You can, however, create enumerations using classes and static constants. For example, the PrintJob class in ActionScript 3.0 uses an enumeration named PrintJobOrientation to store the values "landscape" and "portrait", as shown in the following code:

public final class PrintJobOrientation 
    public static const LANDSCAPE:String = "landscape"; 
    public static const PORTRAIT:String = "portrait"; 

By convention, an enumeration class is declared with the final attribute, because there is no need to extend the class. The class includes only static members, which means that you do not create instances of the class. Instead, you access the enumeration values directly through the class object, as shown in the following code excerpt:

var pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob(); 
    if (pj.orientation == PrintJobOrientation.PORTRAIT) 

All of the enumeration classes in ActionScript 3.0 contain only variables of type String, int, or uint. The advantage of using enumerations instead of literal string or number values is that typographical mistakes are easier to find with enumerations. If you mistype the name of an enumeration, the ActionScript compiler generates an error. If you use literal values, the compiler does not complain if you spell a word incorrectly or use the wrong number. In the previous example, the compiler generates an error if the name of the enumeration constant is incorrect, as the following excerpt shows:

    if (pj.orientation == PrintJobOrientation.PORTRAI) // compiler error

However, the compiler does not generate an error if you misspell a string literal value, as follows:

    if (pj.orientation == "portrai") // no compiler error

A second technique for creating enumerations also involves creating a separate class with static properties for the enumeration. This technique differs, however, in that each of the static properties contains an instance of the class instead of a string or integer value. For example, the following code creates an enumeration class for the days of the week:

public final class Day 
    public static const MONDAY:Day = new Day(); 
    public static const TUESDAY:Day = new Day(); 
    public static const WEDNESDAY:Day = new Day(); 
    public static const THURSDAY:Day = new Day(); 
    public static const FRIDAY:Day = new Day(); 
    public static const SATURDAY:Day = new Day(); 
    public static const SUNDAY:Day = new Day(); 

This technique is not used by ActionScript 3.0 but is used by many developers who prefer the improved type checking that the technique provides. For example, a method that returns an enumeration value can restrict the return value to the enumeration data type. The following code shows not only a function that returns a day of the week, but also a function call that uses the enumeration type as a type annotation:

function getDay():Day 
    var date:Date = new Date(); 
    var retDay:Day; 
    switch ( 
        case 0: 
            retDay = Day.MONDAY; 
        case 1: 
            retDay = Day.TUESDAY; 
        case 2: 
            retDay = Day.WEDNESDAY; 
        case 3: 
            retDay = Day.THURSDAY; 
        case 4: 
            retDay = Day.FRIDAY; 
        case 5: 
            retDay = Day.SATURDAY; 
        case 6: 
            retDay = Day.SUNDAY; 
    return retDay; 
var dayOfWeek:Day = getDay();

You can also enhance the Day class so that it associates an integer with each day of the week, and provides a toString() method that returns a string representation of the day.

Embedded asset classes

ActionScript 3.0 uses special classes, called embedded asset classes, to represent embedded assets. An embedded asset is an asset, such as a sound, image, or font, that is included in a SWF file at compile time. Embedding an asset instead of loading it dynamically ensures that it is available at run time, but at the cost of increased SWF file size.

Using embedded asset classes in Flash Professional

To embed an asset, first place the asset into a FLA file’s library. Next, use the asset’s linkage property to provide a name for the asset’s embedded asset class. If a class by that name cannot be found in the classpath, a class is automatically generated for you. You can then create an instance of the embedded asset class and use any properties and methods defined or inherited by that class. For example, the following code can be used to play an embedded sound that is linked to an embedded asset class named PianoMusic:

var piano:PianoMusic = new PianoMusic(); 
var sndChannel:SoundChannel =;

Alternatively, you can use the [Embed] metadata tag to embed assets in a Flash Professional project, described next. If you use the [Embed] metadata tag in your code, Flash Professional uses the Flex compiler to compile your project instead of the Flash Professional compiler.

Using embedded asset classes using the Flex compiler

If you are compiling your code using the Flex compiler, to embed an asset in ActionScript code use the [Embed] metadata tag. Place the asset in the main source folder or another folder that is in your project’s build path. When the Flex compiler encounters an Embed metadata tag, it creates the embedded asset class for you. You can access the class through a variable of data type Class that you declare immediately following the [Embed] metadata tag. For example, the following code embeds a sound named sound1.mp3 and uses a variable named soundCls to store a reference to the embedded asset class associated with that sound. The example then creates an instance of the embedded asset class and calls the play() method on that instance:

    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import mx.core.SoundAsset; 
    public class SoundAssetExample extends Sprite 
        public var soundCls:Class; 
        public function SoundAssetExample() 
            var mySound:SoundAsset = new soundCls() as SoundAsset; 
            var sndChannel:SoundChannel =; 

Adobe Flash Builder

To use the [Embed] metadata tag in a Flash Builder ActionScript project, import any necessary classes from the Flex framework. For example, to embed sounds, import the mx.core.SoundAsset class. To use the Flex framework, include the file framework.swc in your ActionScript build path. This increases the size of your SWF file.

Adobe Flex

Alternatively, in Flex you can embed an asset with the @Embed() directive in an MXML tag definition.

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