Managing certificates, device IDs, application IDs, and provisioning profiles
You can manage certificates, device IDs, app IDs, and provisioning
profiles at the Apple iPhone Dev Center site
Go to the iPhone Developer Program Portal section of the site.
Click the Certificates link to manage your development
certificates. You can create a certificate, download a certificate,
or revoke a certificate. To create a certificate, you must first
create a certificate signing request. See
Generating a certificate signing request
Click the Devices link to manage the list of devices your
development application can be installed on.
Click the App IDs link to manage your app IDs. When you create
a provisioning profile, it is bound to an app ID.
Click the Provisioning link to manage your provisioning profiles.
You can also use the Development Provisioning Assistant to create
development provisioning profiles.
Click the Distribution link when you want to submit your
application to the App Store or create an Ad Hoc version of your
application. This section has a link to the iTunes Connect site,
which you use to submit an application to the App Store.