Using the DRMManager class

Flash Player 10.1 and later, Adobe AIR 1.5 and later

Use the DRMManager class to manage vouchers and media rights server sessions in applications.

Voucher management (AIR only)

Whenever a user plays protected content, the runtime obtains and caches the license required to view the content. If the application saves the file locally, and the license allows offline playback, the user can view the content in the AIR application. Such local offline playback succeeds even if a connection to the media rights server is not available. Using the DRMManager and the NetStream preloadEmbeddedMetadata() method, you can pre-cache the voucher. The application does not have to obtain the license necessary to view the content. For example, your application could download the media file and then obtain the voucher while the user is still online.

To preload a voucher, use the NetStream preloadEmbeddedMetadata() method to obtain a DRMContentData object. The DRMContentData object contains the URL and domain of the media rights server that can provide the license and describes whether user authentication is required. With this information, you can call the DRMManager loadVoucher() method to obtain and cache the voucher. The workflow for pre-loading vouchers is described in more detail in Pre-loading vouchers for offline playback .

Session management

You can also use the DRMManager to authenticate the user to a media rights server and to manage persistent sessions.

Call the DRMManager authenticate() method to establish a session with the media rights server. When authentication is completed successfully, the DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent object. This object contains a session token. You can save this token to establish future sessions so that the user does not have to provide their account credentials. Pass the token to the setAuthenticationToken() method to establish a new authenticated session. (The settings of the server that generated the token determine the token expiration and other attributes. AIR application code should not interpret the token data structure, because the structure may change in future AIR updates.)

Authentication tokens can be transferred to other computers. To protect tokens, you can store them in the AIR Encrypted Local Store. See Encrypted local storage for more information.

DRMStatus Events

The DRMManager dispatches a DRMStatusEvent object after a call to the loadVoucher() method completes successfully.

If a voucher is obtained, then the detail property (AIR only) of the event object has the value: "DRM.voucherObtained", and the voucher property contains the DRMVoucher object.

If a voucher is not obtained, then the detail property (AIR only) still has the value: "DRM.voucherObtained"; however, the voucher property is null . A voucher cannot be obtained if, for example, you use the LoadVoucherSetting of localOnly and there is no locally cached voucher.

If the loadVoucher() call does not complete successfully, perhaps because of an authentication or communication error, then the DRMManager dispatches a DRMErrorEvent or DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent object instead.

DRMAuthenticationComplete events

The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent object when a user is successfully authenticated through a call to the authenticate() method.

The DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent object contains a reusable token that can be used to persist user authentication across application sessions. Pass this token to DRMManager setAuthenticationToken() method to re-establish the session. (The token creator sets token attributes such as expiration. Adobe does not provide an API for examining token attributes.)

DRMAuthenticationError events

The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent object when a user cannot be successfully authenticated through a call to the authenticate() or setAuthenticationToken() methods.

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