purpose of the ApplicationDomain class is to store a table of ActionScript
3.0 definitions. All code in a SWF file is defined to exist in an
application domain. You use application domains to partition classes
that are in the same security domain. This allows multiple definitions
of the same class to exist and also lets children reuse parent definitions.
You can use application domains when loading an external SWF
file written in ActionScript 3.0 using the Loader class API. (Note
that you cannot use application domains when loading an image or
SWF file written in ActionScript 1.0 or ActionScript 2.0.) All ActionScript
3.0 definitions contained in the loaded class are stored in the
application domain. When loading the SWF file, you can specify that the
file be included in the same application domain as that of the Loader
object, by setting the
of the LoaderContext object to
By putting the loaded SWF file in the same application domain, you
can access its classes directly. This can be useful if you are loading
a SWF file that contains embedded media, which you can access via
their associated class names, or if you want to access the loaded
SWF file’s methods.
The following example assumes it has access to a separate Greeter.swf
file that defines a public method named welcome():
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
import flash.system.LoaderContext;
public class ApplicationDomainExample extends Sprite
private var ldr:Loader;
public function ApplicationDomainExample()
ldr = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Greeter.swf");
var ldrContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
ldr.load(req, ldrContext);
private function completeHandler(event:Event):void
var myGreeter:Class = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("Greeter") as Class;
var myGreeter:Greeter = Greeter(;
var message:String = myGreeter.welcome("Tommy");
trace(message); // Hello, Tommy
Also see the
ApplicationDomain class example
ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe
Flash Platform
Other things to keep in mind when you work with application domains
include the following:
All code in a SWF file is defined to exist in an application
domain. The
current domain
is where your main application
runs. The
system domain
contains all application domains,
including the current domain, which means that it contains all Flash
Player classes.
All application domains, except the system domain, have an
associated parent domain. The parent domain for your main application's
application domain is the system domain. Loaded classes are defined
only when their parent doesn't already define them. You cannot override
a loaded class definition with a newer definition.
The following diagram shows an application that loads content
from various SWF files within a single domain, Depending
on the content you load, different application domains can be used.
The text that follows describes the logic used to set the appropriate
application domain for each SWF file in the application.
The main application file is application1.swf. It contains Loader
objects that load content from other SWF files. In this scenario,
the current domain is Application domain 1. Usage A, usage B, and
usage C illustrate different techniques for setting the appropriate
application domain for each SWF file in an application.
Usage A
Partition the child SWF file by creating a child of the system
domain. In the diagram, Application domain 2 is created as a child
of the system domain.The application2.swf file is loaded in Application
domain 2, and its class definitions are thus partitioned from the
classes defined in application1.swf.
One use of this technique
is to have an old application dynamically loading a newer version
of the same application without conflict. There is no conflict because
although the same class names are used, they are partitioned into different
application domains.
The following code creates an application
domain that is a child of the system domain, and starts loading
a SWF using that application domain:
var appDomainA:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain();
var contextA:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, appDomainA);
var loaderA:Loader = new Loader();
loaderA.load(new URLRequest("application2.swf"), contextA);
Usage B:
Add new class definitions to current class definitions. The
application domain of module1.swf is set to the current domain (Application
domain 1). This lets you add to the application’s current set of
class definitions with new class definitions. This could be used
for a run-time shared library of the main application. The loaded
SWF is treated as a remote shared library (RSL). Use this technique
to load RSLs by a preloader before the application starts.
following code loads a SWF, setting its application domain to the
current domain:
var appDomainB:ApplicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
var contextB:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, appDomainB);
var loaderB:Loader = new Loader();
loaderB.load(new URLRequest("module1.swf"), contextB);
Usage C:
Use the parent’s class definitions by creating a new child
domain of the current domain. The application domain of module3.swf
is a child of the current domain, and the child uses the parent's
versions of all classes. One use of this technique might be a module
of a multiple-screen rich Internet application (RIA), loaded as
a child of the main application, that uses the main application's
types. If you can ensure that all classes are always updated to
be backward compatible, and that the loading application is always
newer than the things it loads, the children will use the parent
versions. Having a new application domain also allows you to unload
all the class definitions for garbage collection, if you can ensure
that you do not continue to have references to the child SWF.
technique lets loaded modules share the loader's singleton objects
and static class members.
The following code creates a new
child domain of the current domain, and starts loading a SWF using
that application domain:
var appDomainC:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
var contextC:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, appDomainC);
var loaderC:Loader = new Loader();
loaderC.load(new URLRequest("module3.swf"), contextC);